

蘇淑真|Su, Shu-Jem

蘇淑真|Su, Shu-Zhen  
蘇淑真|Su, Shu-Jem
🎓 專任教授
👨‍🎓 國立成功大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 5412
📧 sc096@fy.edu.tw
📖 學術專長
  • 國立成功大學基礎醫學研究所博士(2000/1)
  • 國立成功大學微生物及免疫學研究所碩士(1996/7)
  • 輔英科技大學/教學卓越發展中心 教師發展組/組長
  • 輔英科技大學/健康美容學位學程/主任
  • 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院/皮膚科/研究助理
  • 藥局/藥師
  • 免疫學 生物化學 癌症與化學預防 天然物活性分析
  • 97學年度論文指導: 高劑量柚皮素誘發人類角質細胞凋亡之研究,林雅雯。
  • 99學年度論文指導: 苯乙基異硫氰酸酯誘發ROS造成DNA損傷促使人類口 腔癌細胞凋亡,葉樺。
  • 99學年度專題: Biochanin A引發人類骨癌細胞之粒線體依賴性細胞凋亡,胡翠文。
  • 100學年度專題: 異硫氰酸笨以酯對人類口腔癌細胞誘發氧化壓力與細胞凋亡機制之研究,葉樺、饒家鳳。
  • 101學年度專題: 異硫氰酸苯乙酯及順鉑化療藥物對人類口腔癌細胞之協同抑制作用:引發DNA損傷與細胞凋亡機制之研究,葉樺、黃聖雲。
  • 104學年度專題: 珍珠萃取物對美白與促進纖維母細胞生長及活化功效評估,李玲誼、黃昱璇、黃芷茹。
  • 106年度大專學生研究計畫: 十字花科蔬菜衍生物對肺癌細胞之生長基因EGF及SH3BGRL3之調控及轉移之影響,黃昱璇。
  • 107年碩士論文:十字花科衍生化合物在肝癌中標靶p38分裂原活化蛋白質激酶的開發與應用,李玲誼。
  • 藥師證照
  • 乙級美容技術士證照
  • 丙級美容技術士證照
  • 英國IFA國際芳療師證照(芳療理論、芳療實踐)
  • Dr.Vodder School TM INTERNATIONAL徒手淋巴引流初級證書
  • 生技化妝保養品研發管理師
  • 化妝品微生物檢驗鑑定人員
  • City guilds顧客關係管理師證照
  • City guilds衝突管理國際專業人才證照
  • City guilds行銷管理師國際資格證照
  • 有機溶劑作業主管安全衛生教育訓練證照
  • 特定化學物質作業主管安全衛生教育訓練證照
  • 心肺復甦術暨自動體外電擊器合格證書
  • TBSA商務企劃能力初級檢定合格證書
  • 職場倫理認證
  • ITMKE創新創意行銷企劃-專家級
  • ITMKE創新創意行銷企劃-標準級
  • 養身芳療舒壓師DPDCA
  • 生態觀光旅遊管理師ETTM
  • 休閒治療師RECPIST
  • 醫療保健觀光管理師 MHTM
  • 3D列印文創設計師3DPCCD
  • 3D列印商品設計師3DPCD
  • 3D列印時尚設計師3DPFD
  • 3D列印設計師3DPD
  • Yen-Nien Hsu, Huey-Wen Shyu, Tsui-Wen Hu, Jou-Pei Yeh, Ya-Wen Lin, Ling-Yi Lee, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Hong-Ying Dai, Daw-Shyong Perng, Shu-Hui Su, Yu-Hsuan Huang and Shu-Jem Su* (2018, Feb). Anti-proliferative activity of biochanin A in human osteosarcoma cells via mitochondrial-involved apoptosis. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 12:194-204.
  • Yao-Tsung Yeh, Yen-Nien Hsu, Sheng-Yun Huang, Jian-Sheng Lin, Zi-Feng Chen, Nan-Haw Chow, Shu-Hui Su, Huey-Wen Shyu, Ching-Chiang Lin, Wu-Tein Huang, Hua Yeh, Yu-chia chih, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Shu-Jem Su* (2016, Sep). Benzyl isothiocyanate promotes apoptosis of oral cancer cells via an acute redox stress-mediated DNA damage response. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 97:336-345.
  • Tung-Hui Chao, Meng-Ya Chang, Shu-Jem Su, Shu-Hui Su (2014, Sep). Inducible nitric oxide synthase mediates MG132 lethality in leukemic cells through mitochondrial depolarization. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 74(2014)/2014/09.
  • Yao-Tsung Yeh, Hua Yeh, Shu-Hui Su, Jian-Sheng Lin, Kuo-Jui Lee, Huey-Wen Shyu, Zi-Feng Chen, Sheng-Yun Huang, Shu-Jem Su* (2014, Sep). Phenethyl isothiocyanate induces DNA damage-associated G2/M arrest and subsequent apoptosis in oral cancer cells with varying p53 mutations. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 74(2014)/2014/09.
  • Wang YW, Li WM, Wu WJ, Chai CY, Chang TY, Sun Y, Cheng CJ, Shiue YL, Su SJ, Cheng HL, Liu HS, Chow NH. (2013, Sep). Epithelial membrane protein 2 is a prognostic indictor for patients with urothelial carcinoma of the upper urinary tract. American Journal of Pathology, 183(3):709-19.
  • Shu-Hui Su, Huey-Wen Shyu, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Kuan-Ming Chen, Hua Yeh and Shu-Jem Su*. (2013, Sep). Caffeine inhibits adipogenic differentiation of primary adipose-derived stem cells and bone marrow stromal cells. Toxicology in vitro, 27(6):1830-1837.
  • Shu-Jem Su*, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Huey-Wen Shyu. (2013, Feb). The Preventive Effect of Biochanin A on Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats: Involvement in Regulation of Growth and Activity of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 594857, 10 pages.
  • Shu-Jem Su*, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Shu-Hui Su, Kee-Lung Chang, Huey-Wen Shyu, Kuan-Ming Chen and Hua Yeh. (2013, June). Biochanin A promotes osteogenic but inhibits adipogenic differentiation: Evidence with primary adipose-derived stem cells. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2013, Article ID 846039, 12 pages.
  • Shu-Jem Su*, Kee-Lung Chang, Shu-Hui Su, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Huey-Wen Shyu & Kuan-Ming Chen (2013, June). Caffeine regulates osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of primary adipose-derived stem cells and a bone marrow stromal cell line. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 64(4): 429-436.
  • Kee-Lung Chang, Yu-Chen Hu, Bau-Shan Hsieh, Hsiao-Ling Cheng, Hen-Wei Hsu, Li-Wen Huang, Shu-Jem Su*. (2013, Jan). Combined effect of soy isoflavones and vitamin D3 on bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Nutrition, 29(1):250-257.
  • Hung TC, Huang LW, Su SJ, Hsieh BS, Cheng HL, Hu YC, Chen YH, Hwang CC, Chang KL. (2011, Sep). Hemeoxygenase-1 expression in response to arecoline-induced oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. International Journal of Cardiology, 151(2):187-194.
  • Hsieh BS, Huang LW, Su SJ, Cheng HL, Hu YC, Hung TC, Chang KL. (2011, May). Combined arginine and ascorbic acid treatment induces apoptosis in the hepatoma cell line HA22T/VGH and changes in redox status involving the pentose phosphate pathway and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 22(3):234-241.
  • Shyu HW, Lin YY, Chen LC, Wang YF, Yeh TM, Su SJ, Cheng WC, Chen CY, Lin KH, Chou MC. (2010, Oct). The dengue virus envelope protein induced PAI-1 gene expression via MEK/ERK pathways. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 104(6):1219-1227.
  • Chen LC, Yeh TM, Lin YY, Wang YF, Su SJ, Chen CY, Lin KH, Chou MC, Shyu HW. (2010, Sep). The envelope glycoprotein domain III of Dengue virus type 2 induced the expression of anticoagulant molecules in endothelial cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 342(1-2):215-221.
  • Hsiao-Ling Cheng, Shu-Jem Su, Li-Wen Huang, Bau-Shan Hsieh, Yu-Chen Hu, Thu-Ching Hung and Kee-Lung Chang* (2010, May). Arecoline induces HA22T/VGH hepatoma cells to undergo anoikis - involvement of STAT3 and RhoA activation. Molecular Cancer, 9:126-137.
  • Shu-Jem Su, Yen-Lien Hsu, Huey-Wen Shyu, Tsai-Tung Chih. (2010) Clinical study of essential oil formula in acne treatment. The Journal of International Esthetic Science 7(3): 46-52
  • Ling-Yi Lee, Hong-Ying Dai, Yu-Hsuan Huang1 , Yao-Tsung Yeh , Huey-Wen Shyu and Shu-Jem Su# (2018) Development and application of cruciferous vegetable-derived compounds in targeting p38 MAPK in hepatocellular carcinoma. The 33th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Sheng-Yun Huang, Shu-Jem Su, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Jian-Sheng Lin, Zi-Feng Chen, Hua Yeh, Yu-Hsuan Huang and Ling-Yi Lee (2016). Benzyl isothiocyanate promotes apoptosis of oral cancer cells via an acute redox stress-mediated DNA damage response. The 31th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Hua Yeah, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Shu-Hui Su, Shu-Jem Su# (2013). Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC)-mediated generation of reactive oxygen species causes DNA damage, cell cycle arrest, mitochondria dysfunction and apoptosis in human oral cancer OC2 cells. The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Shu-Jem Su#, Kee-Lung Chang, Shu-Hui Su, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Huey-Wen Shyu, Kuan-Ming Chen, Hua Yeah (2013). Caffeine regulates osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of primary adipose-derived stem cells and a bone marrow stromal cell line. The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Shu-Jem Su#, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Huey-Wen Shyu, Hua Yeah (2013). The Preventive Effect of Biochanin A on Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats: Involvement in Regulation of Growth and Activity of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Hua Yeh, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Yen-Lien Hsu, Shu-Jem Su# (2012). Phenethyl isothiocyanate induce reactive oxygen species generation, DNA Damage and apoptosis in human oral cancer cells. The 27th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Hua Yea, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Yen-Lien Hsu, Tsui-Wen Hu, Sheng-Yun Huang, Shu-Jem Su# (2011). Phenethyl isothiocyanate-induced apoptosis in OC2 human oral cancer cells. . The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Tsui-Wen Hu, Yen-Lien Hsu, Hua Yea, Sheng-Yun Huang, Shu-Jem Su# (2011). Biochanin A induce mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in human osteosarcoma cells. The 26th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Sheng-Yun Huang, Ya-Wen Lin, Tsui-Wen Hu, Huey-Wen Shyu, Horng-Ren Lo, Chien-Hua Wu, Lian-Chen Hao, Shu-Jem Su# (2010). Study on the effects of Benzyl isothiocyanate on apoptosis and oxidative stress in OC2 human oral cancer cells. The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Ya-Wen Lin, Kee-Lung Chang, Tsui-Wen Hu, Sheng-Yun Huang, Chien-Hua Wu, Chen-Hao Lian, Shu-Jem Su# (2010). Study on the protective efficacy of essential oils on ultraviolet B-induced HaCaT Keratinocytes damage. . The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Fang-Yi Tang, Chia-Yi Lee, Yi-Ying Lin, Yi-Fen Wang, Chang-Yu Chen, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Shu-Jem Su, Huey-Wen Shyu (2010). The Roles of Endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species in WIN-55,212-2-induced Apoptotic Cell Death in Human Lung Epithelial Cells. The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • Pai-Shan Lee, Yi-Ying Lin, Yi-Fen Wang, Chang-Yu Chen, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Shu-Jem Su, Huey-Wen Shyu (2010). Zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) enhances human lung carcinoma A549 cells to Lei Gong Teng -mediated apoptosis. The 25th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Sciences, Taipei.
  • 美白功能皂製作開發(AI-106049) 產學合作計畫-主持人。
  • 十字花科衍生化合物在肝癌中標靶p38分裂原活化蛋白質激酶的開發與應用 (MOST 105-2320-B-242-001) 科技部-主持人。
  • 轉譯研究:肝癌中組蛋白去乙醯酶6之次細胞位置的不同角色 (MOST 105-2320-B-242-002-MY3) 科技部-共同(協同)主持人。
  • 組蛋白去乙醯酶 6 在肝癌中的預後意義與治療策略 (II) (104-2320-B-242 -002 -) 科技部-共同(協同)主持人。
  • 珍珠粉對美白功效評估及入皂研究 (FYU1700-104-04)-主持人。
  • 組蛋白去乙醯酶6 在肝癌中的預後意義與治療策略 (NSC103-2320-B-242-002) 科技部-共同(協同)主持人。
  • 探討核酸MRE11媒介的AKT訊息活化在肝癌中所扮演的角色並開發前驅藥物 (NSC 102-2320-B-242-003-) 科技部-共同(協同)主持人。
  • 異硫氰酸苯乙酯及順鉑化療藥物對人類口腔癌細胞之協同抑制作用:引發DNA損傷與細胞凋亡機制之研究 (FYU1300-101-08)-主持人。
  • 異硫氰酸笨以酯對人類口腔癌細胞誘發氧化壓力與細胞凋亡機制之研究 (FYU1300-100-22)-主持人。
  • 「2011南區技專校院師生優良產學合作實務專題製作競賽」亞軍 (2011)
  • Whos Who in Medicine and Healthcare 2011-2012名人錄 (2011-2012)
  • 102年度教師學術研究獎 (2014)
  • 103年度教師學術研究獎 (2015)
  • 103-105年教師學術及專業研發成果獎勵