葉耀宗|Yeh, Yao-Tsung
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葉耀宗|Yeh, Yao-Tsung
🎓 專任教授兼老化研究中心主任
👨🎓 高雄醫學大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 6800
📧 glycosamine@yahoo.com.tw
📖 學術專長
- 高雄醫學大學/醫學研究所 博士(2003/08~2006/08)
- 國立成功大學/生物化學研究所 碩士(1995/08~1997/08)
- 中山醫學大學/醫技系 學士(1991/08~1995/08)
- 現職:輔英科技大學/醫學檢驗生物技術系/教授 2014/01 ~ 迄今
- 輔英科技大學/老化及疾病預防研究中心/主任 2016/11 ~ 迄今
- 現職:高雄醫學大學/醫學院/臨床醫學所/合聘教師 2018 ~ 迄今
- 經歷:輔英科技大學/醫學檢驗生物技術系/副教授 2011/01 ~ 2014/01
- 經歷:輔英科技大學/醫學檢驗生物技術系/助理教授2006/08 ~ 2010/12
- 經歷:輔英科技大學/學習輔導組/組長2009/10 ~ 2012/10
- 經歷:三元建國高立補習班/講師2002/06 ~ 2003/06
- 經歷:高雄醫學大學婦產部/研究員2001/06 ~ 2003/06
- 經歷:阮綜合醫院/醫檢師 2000/06 ~ 2001/01
- 生物化學
- 生物資訊
- 腫瘤醫學
- 藥物開發
- 分子生物學
- 分子生物技術
- 腸道微菌叢
- 開發肝癌之新穎性 NBS1-MDM2 交互作用標靶抑制劑-戴宏穎、屠凱均。
- 探討 miR-133a 基因群在乳癌中的角色並發展相對非侵犯性篩選平台(II)-丁毓倫、陳冠婷。
- 組蛋白去乙醯酶 6 之錯位在肺癌轉移的潛在角色、機制探討及治療策略開發-戴宏穎、陳冠婷。
- 探討瘦激素在肝癌中所扮演的角色及應用(II)-戴宏穎、林建昇。
- 乳癌中組蛋白去乙醯酶媒介之 Her2/neu 核錯位的機制探討與治療策略-張芷瑄、屠凱均。
- 乳癌中 MAPK 媒介之 c-jun 抑制性磷酸化作用的機制探討與預後應用-陳姿妦、丁毓倫。
- 組蛋白去乙醯酶 6 在肝癌中的預後意義與治療策略-戴宏穎、陳冠婷。
- 國家考試院專技高普考–醫檢師。
- 中華企業倫理教育協進會–職場倫理認證。
- CIIP國際認證中心– 3D列印之時尚流行設計師、產品設計師、3D列印設計師、文創設計師。
- HY Tsai, YY Shih, YT Yeh, CH Huang, CA Liao, Nagabhushanam, Kalyanam; CT Ho, YK Chen.
Pterostilbene and Its Derivative 3'-Hydroxypterostilbene Ameliorated Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Through Synergistic Modulation of the Gut Microbiota and SIRT1/AMPK Signaling Pathway. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021. (Submitted) - HY Tsai, YC Wang, CA Liao, CY Su, CH Huang, MH Chiu, YT Yeh.
Safety and function assay of Bifidobacterium animalis CP-9. Journal of Food Science 2021. (Submitted) - TJ Fang, CH Lin, YZ Lin, MH Chiu, RN Li, HC Chan, YT Yeh*, JH Yen*
Lower HDAC6 mRNA expression and promoter hypomethylation are associated with RA susceptibility. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2021. (Accepted). - LH Chen, MF W, CC Chang, SY Huang, CH Pan, YT Yeh, CH Huang, CH Chan and HY Huang.
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei PS23 Effectively Modulates Gut Microbiota Composition and Improves Gastrointestinal Function in Aged SAMP8 Mice. Nutrients 2021, 13(4), 1116. (Food Science (Q1); Nutrition and Dietetics (Q1), IF: 5.717) - JX Liao, YW Chen, MK Shih, YL Tain, YT Yeh, MH Chiu, SK. C. Chang and CY Hou.
Resveratrol Butyrate Esters Inhibit BPA-Induced Liver Damage in Male Offspring Rats by Modulating Antioxidant Capacity and Gut Microbiota. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(10), 5273. (Biochemistry Molecular Biology (Q1), IF: 4.556) - MK Shih, YL Tain, YW Chen, WH Hsu, YT Yeh, SK. C. Chang, JX Liao and CY Hou.
Resveratrol Butyrate Esters Inhibit Obesity Caused by Perinatal Exposure to Bisphenol A in Female Offspring Rats. Molecules 2021, 26(13), 4010. (Chemistry (Q2), IF: 4.411) - HY Wen, CW Huang, YL Li, JL Chen, YT Yeh, CC Chiang.
A Lamping U-Shaped Fiber Biosensor Detector for MicroRNA. Sensors (Basel). 2020 Mar 9;20(5):1509. (Analytical Chemistry (Q2), IF: 3.576) - BC Yuan, YT Yeh, CC Lin, CH Huang, HC Liu, CP Chiang.
Clinical Detection of Chronic Rhinosinusitis through Next-Generation Sequencing of the Oral Microbiota. Microorganisms. 2020 Jun 26;8(6):959. (Microbiology (Q2), IF: 3.86) - CL Lin, YJ Hsu, HH Ho, YC Chang, YW Kuo, YT Yeh, SY Tsai, CW Chen, JF Chen, CC Huang, MC Lee.
Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum OLP-01 Supplementation during Endurance Running Training Improves Exercise Performance in Middle- and Long-Distance Runners: A Double-Blind Controlled Trial. Nutrients. 2020 Jul 2;12(7):1972. (Food Sciences (Q1), IF: 5.717) - CT Shih, YT Yeh, CC Lin, LY Yang, CP Chiang.
Akkermansia muciniphila is Negatively Correlated with Hemoglobin A1c in Refractory Diabetes. Microorganisms. 2020 Sep 5;8(9):1360. (Microbiology (Q2), IF: 3.86) - Tianxiao Duan, Ting Hu, Changyan Wu, YT Yeh, Ju Lu, Qi Zhang, Xiaozhi Li, Wen Jian, Peng Luo.
PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy is involved in NaAsO 2-induced apoptosis of human hepatic cells through activation of ERK signaling. Toxicol In Vitro. 2020 Aug; 66:104857. (Medicine (Q2), IF: 2.959) - HY Wen, SF Wang, CH Li, YT Yeh, CC Chiang.
Real-Time and Sensitive Immunosensor for Label-Free Detection of Specific Antigen with a Comb of Microchannel Long-Period Fiber Grating. Anal Chem. 2020 Dec 15;92(24):15989-15996. (Analytical Chemistry (Q1), IF: 6.986) - YT Yeh1,* (corresponding), CR Wu, JC Lai, CH Huang, YF Wei, M-S Huang.
Impacts of HDAC2 inhibition on lung cancer treatment. April 2019, Annals of Oncology, Volume 30, Issue Supplement_2. SCI, Q1: 9/223=4.03%, IF: 13.90, Oncology. - YT Yeh1,* (corresponding), HY Dai, SN Wang, PJ Chang-Chien.
Histone deacetylase 6-EGFR axis in recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma. May 26, 2019, Journal of Clinical Oncology, DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2019.37.15_suppl. SCI, Q1: 4/223=1.79%, IF: 26.36, Oncology. - MF Hou, HY Dai, LY Yan, SF Yang, FM Chen, YT Yeh* (corresponding).
Nuclear p-ser394-FOXO3a/FOXO3a ratio is associated with an improved survival and response to therapy in breast cancer. 2019, Feb, Cancer Research (supplement). SABCS18-P5-12-06 Published February 2019. SCI, Q1: 17/223=7.62%, IF: 9.130, Oncology. - HR Yu, YC Huan, L Huang, JM Sheen, CY Hou, YT Yeh, CP Chiang, IC Lin, MM Tiao, CC Tsai, YJ Lin, CC Chen, YL Tain.
Resveratrol treatment improves the altered metabolism and related dysbiosis of gut programmed by prenatal high-fat diet and postnatal high-fat diet exposure. 2018. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. - YF Wei, MS Huang, YT Yeh *(corresponding).
Roles of α7nAchR Signaling in Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2018/9. Vol. 13, Issue 10, S916–S917. Q1: 11/223=4.93%, IF: 10.340, Oncology. - YN Hsu, HW Shyu, TW Hu, JP Yeh, YW Lin, LY Lee, YT Yeh, HY Dai, DS Perng, SH Su, YH Huang, SJ Su.
Anti-proliferative activity of biochanin A in human osteosarcoma cells via mitochondrial-involved apoptosis. Food Chem Toxicol. 2018 Feb; 112: 194-204. SCI, Q1: 10/133= 7.52%, IF: 3.977, food science & technology. - MF Hou, FM Chen, SF Yang, HY Dai, YT Yeh* (corresponding).
Nuclear miR-133 expression is associated with breast cancer progression and survival. 2017/12, Cancer Research (supplement) P5-07-04, SCI, Q1: 17/223=7.62%, IF: 9.130, Oncology. - YT Cho, H Su, YY Chiang, J Shiea, SS F.Yuan, WC Hung, YT Yeh, MF Hou.
Fine Needle Aspiration Combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight/Mass Spectrometry to Characterize Lipid Biomarkers for Diagnosing Accuracy of Breast Cancer. 2017/08, Clinical Breast Cancer, 17(5): 373-381. SCI, Q3: 135/223= 60.53%, IF: 2.703, Oncology. - YT Yeh1, YN Hsu, SY Huang, JS Lin, ZF Chen, NH Chow, SH Su, HW Shyu, CChiang Lin, WT Huang, H Yeh, YC chih, YH Huang, SJ Su.
Benzyl isothiocyanate promotes apoptosis of oral cancer cells via an acute redox stress-mediated DNA damage response. 2016/11, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 97 (2016) 336-345, SCI, Q1: 10/133= 7.52%, IF: 3.977, food science & technology. - SF Yang, MF Hou, FM Chen, OY Fu, YC Wu, CY Chai, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Prognostic value of protein inhibitor of activated STAT3 in breast cancer patients receiving hormone therapy. 2016/01, BioMed Central Cancer (BMC Cancer), 14;16(1): 20, SCI, Q2: 107/223=47.98%, IF: 3.288, Oncology. - CJ Yang, YP Liu, HY Dai, YL Shiue, CJ Tsai, MS Huang*, YT Yeh* (co-corresponding).
Nuclear HDAC6 inhibits invasion by suppressing NF-κB/MMP2 and is inversely correlated with metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer. 2015/10, Oncotarget, 6(30): 30263-76, SCI, Q1: 44/217= 20.27%, IF: 5.168, Oncology. - FM Chen, YT Ting, ZF Chen, MF Hou*, YT Yeh* (co-corresponding).
Circulating miR-133a as diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for Taiwanese breast cancer. 2015/03, Breast, 10.1016/S0960-9776(15)70303-6, SCI, Q3: 126/223= 56.5%, IF: 2.951, obstetrics & gynecology. - SN Wang, KT Lee, CJ Tsai, YJ Chen and YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Dullaart RP et al. Research update for articles published in EJCI in 2012. Eur J Clin Invest. 2012 Dec; 42(12):1295-301. SCI, Q1: 32/155=20.64%, IF: 3.086, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL. - SN Wang, KT Lee, CJ Tsai, YJ Chen and YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Phosphorylated p38 and JNK MAPK Proteins in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. European Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2012 Dec; 42(12):1295-301. SCI, Q1: 32/155=20.64%, IF: 3.086, MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL. - SN Wang, SF Yang, HH Tsai, KT Lee, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Increased adiponectin associated with poor survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2014/09, Journal of Gastroenterology, 49(9): 1342-51, SCI, Q1: 12/80=15%, IF: 5.561, gastroenterology & hepatology. - YT Yeh1, H Yeh, SH Su, JS Lin, KJ Lee, HW Shyu, ZF Chen, SY Huang, SJ Su.
Phenethyl isothiocyanate induces DNA damage-associated G2/M arrest and subsequent apoptosis in oral cancer cells with varying p53 mutations. 2014/09, Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 74, 1-13, SCI, Q1: 39/293= 13.31%, IF: 6.020, endocrinology & metab. - SF Yang, CW Chang, RJ Wei, YL Shiue, SN Wang*, YT Yeh* (co-corresponding).
Involvement of DNA Damage Response Pathways in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2014/04, BioMed Research International, 2014: 153867, SCI, Q2: 66/161= 40.99%, IF: 2.583, biotechnology & applied microbiology. - HY Dai, CY Chien, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Histone deacetylase 6 promotes a ligand-independent activation of EGFR signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2014/04, Journal of Hepatology, 60: 1-S533, SCI, Q1: 4/80= 5%, IF: 15.040, gastroenterology & hepatology. - YT Yeh1,* (corresponding), HY Dai, CY Chien.
Amplification of MPZL1/PZR gene in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2014/04, Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition, 3(2): 87-90, hepatobiliary surgery and nutrition. - SH Su, HW Shyu, YT Yeh, KM Chen, H Yeh, SJ Su.
Caffeine inhibits adipogenic differentiation of primary adipose-derived stem cells and bone marrow stromal cells. 2013/09, Toxicology in Vitro, 27(6): 1830-7. SCI, Q2: 32/94= 34.04%, IF:3.105, Toxicology. - JH Su, YC Chen, ES Mohamed, YC Du, CW Su, CW Tsao, LL Liu, Y Chou, WB Chang, YD Su, MY Chiang, YT Yeh, MC Lu.
Towards the small and the beautiful: a Small Dibromotyrosine Derivative from Pseudoceratina sp. Sponge Exhibits Potent Apoptotic Effect through Targeting IKK/NFκB Signaling Pathway. Marine drugs. 2013 Aug 26; 11(9):3168-85. SCI, Q1: 5/59=8.47%, IF: 4.379, CHEMISTRY, MEDICINAL. - SJ Su1, YT Yeh1 (co-first author), SH Su, KL Chang, HW Shyu, KM Chen, H Yeh.
Biochanin A promotes osteogenic but inhibits adipogenic differentiation: Evidence with primary adipose-derived stem cells. 2013/06, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; 2013: 846039, SCI, Q2: 10/27=37.04%, IF: 2.064, integrative & complementary medicine. - KJ Huang, YC Chen, ES Mohamed, YC Du, JH Su, CW Tsao, WH Yen, WB Chang, YD Su, YT Yeh, MC Lu.
5-Episinuleptolide Acetate, a Norcembranoidal Diterpene from the Formosan Soft Coral Sinularia sp., Induces Leukemia Cell Apoptosis through Hsp90 Inhibition. 2013/03, Molecules,18(3): 2924-33. SCI, Q2: 17/59= 28.81%, IF:3.098, chemistry and natural product chemistry. - MF Hou, FM Chen, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Potential role of activated mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 4 in breast cancer. 2013/03, Breast, 22(13): 2034-44, SCI, Q3: 126/223= 56.5 %, IF: 2.951, obstetrics & gynecology. - SJ Su, KL Chang, SH Su, YT Yeh, HW Shyu, KM Chen.
Caffeine regulates osteogenic differentiation and mineralization of primary adipose-derived stem cells and a bone marrow stromal cell line. 2013/06, International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 64(4): 429-36. SCI, Q2: 44/133= 33.08%, IF: 2.317, food science & technology. - SJ Su, YT Yeh, HW Shyu.
The Preventive Effect of Biochanin A on Bone Loss in Ovariectomized Rats: Involvement in Regulation of Growth and Activity of Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts. 2013/02, Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013: 594857, SCI, Q2: 10/227= 37.04%, IF: 2.064, integrative & complementary medicine. - YT Yeh1, CW Chang, RJ Wei, SN Wang.
Progesterone and related compounds in hepatocellular carcinoma: Basic and clinical aspects. 2013/01, BioMed Research International, 2013; 2013: 290575, SCI, Q2: 66/161 = 40.99%, IF: 2.583, biotechnology & applied microbiology. - MF Hou, CW Chang, FM Chen, SN Wang, SF Yang, PH Chen, JH Su, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Decreased total MKP-1 protein levels predict poor prognosis in breast cancer. 2012/08, World Journal of Surgery, 36(8), 1922-1932. SCI, Q2: 50/200=25%, IF: 2.766, Surgery. - YT Yeh1, MJ Chen*, KT Lee, CJ Tsai, HH Lee, SN Wang.
The promoting effect of adiponectin in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2012/08, Journal of Surgical Oncology, 106(2):181-7. SCI, Q3: 130/223= 58.26%, IF: 2.886, Surgery. - FM Chen, HW Chang, SF Yang, YF Huang, PY Nien, YT Yeh* (co-corresponding), MF Hou*.
The mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) gene is a potential methylation biomarker for malignancy of breast cancer. 2012/05, Experimental & Molecular Medicine, 44(5), 356–362. SCI, Q1: 44/293= 15.02%, IF: 5.584, medicine, research & experimental. - YT Yeh1, KT Lee*, CJ Tsai, YJ Chen, SN Wang.
Prolactin Promotes Hepatocellular Carcinoma through Janus Kinase 2. 2012/05, World Journal of Surgery, 36(5):1128-35. SCI, Q2: 50/200= 25%, IF: 2.766, Surgery. - ML Chen, CY Chai, KT Yeh, SN Wang, CJ Tsai, YT Yeh* (co-corresponding), SF Yang*.
Crosstalk between activated and inactivated c-Src in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2011/07, Disease Markers, P325-33. SCI, Q2: 53/161=32.92%, IF: 2.949, Pathology. - SF Yang, JY Yang, CH Huang, SN Wang, CP Lu, CJ Tsai, CY Chai, YT Yeh*(corresponding).
Increased Caveolin-1 expression associated with prolonged overall survival rate in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2010/10, Pathology, P.438-P.445. SCI, Q2: 20/79= 25.32%, IF: 3.068, Pathology. - SN Wang1, YT Yeh1 (co-first author), ST Wang, YL Chen, SC Chuang, CG Ker, KT Lee.
Decreased retinol binding protein 4 concentrations are associated with cholesterol gallstone disease. 2010/06, Journal of The Formosan Medical Association, P.422-P.429. SCI, Q2: 42/155= 27.10%, IF: 2.452, medicine, general & internal. - SN Wang1, YT Yeh1 (co-first author), ST Wang, KT Lee.
Visfatin - a proinflammatory adipokine - in gallstone disease. 2009/04, American Journal of Surgery, 199(4):459-65. SCI, Q2: 80/200= 40%, IF: 2.141, Surgery. - WW Su, KT Lee, YT Yeh, MS Soon, CL, Wang, ML Yu, SN Wang.
Association of circulating insulin-like growth factor 1 with hepatocellular carcinoma: one cross-sectional correlation study. 2010/03, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 24(3): 195-200. SCI, Q3: 22/30= 73.33%, IF: 1.303, medical laboratory technology. - SF Yang, YT Yeh, SN Wang, SC Hung, WT Chen, CH Huang, CY Chai.
SOCS-3 is associated with vascular invasion and overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2008/10, Pathology, 40(6):558-63. SCI, Q2: 20/79= 25.32%, IF: 3.068, Pathology. - HL Chang, JH Su, YT Yeh, YC Lee, HM Chen, YC Wu, SS Yuan.
Protoapigenone, a novel flavonoid, inhibits ovarian cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. 2008/08, Cancer Letters, 267(1):85-95. SCI, Q1: 29/223= 13.00%, IF: 6.491, Oncology. - HL Chang, YC Wu, JH Su, YT Yeh, SS Yuan.
Protoapigenone, a novel flavonoid, induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells through activation of p38 MAPK and JNK1/2. 2008/06, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 325(3):841-9. doi: 10.1124/jpet.107.135442. SCI, Q1: 53/261= 20.31%, IF: 3.706, pharmacology & pharmacy. - YT Yeh1, OY Fu, IF Chen, MF Hou, SS Yuan.
Altered p-JAK1 expression is associated with estrogen receptor status in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma. 2007/01, Oncology Reports, 17(1):35-9. SCI, Q3: 124/223= 55.61%, IF: 2.976, Oncology. - SN Wang, SC Chuang, YT Yeh, SF Yang, CY Chai, WT Chen, KK Kuo, JS Chen, KT Lee.
Potential prognostic value of leptin receptor (Ob-R) in hepatocellular carcinoma. 2007/01, Oncology Reports, Volume 59–12, Q3: 124/223= 55.61%, IF: 2.976, clinical pathology. - SF Yang, SS Yuan, YT Yeh, SC Hung, MT Wu, JH Su, CY Chai.
Positive association between stat3 and ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. 2006/11, Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 22(11):539-46. SCI, Q4: 110/133= 82.71%, IF: 1.288, medicine, research & experimental. - Wang, YT Yeh, SF Yang, CY Chai, KT Lee.
Potential Role of Leptin Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. 2006/09, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 59(9):930-4, Q2: 23/79= 29.11%, IF: 2.894, pathology. - SF Yang, SN Wang, YT Yeh, CY Chai, KT Lee.
Altered p-STAT3 (tyr705) expression is associated with histological grading and intratumor microvessel. 2006/08, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 60(6):642-8. SCI, Q2: 23/79= 29.11%, IF: 2.894, Pathology. - SN Wang, YT Yeh, ML Yu, CL Wang, KT Lee.
Serum Adiponectin Between Cholesterol and Pigment Cholelithiasis. 2006/08, British Journal of Surgery, 93(8):981-6, SCI, Q1: 8/200= 4%, IF: 5.433, Surgery. - DC Chen, YF Chung, YT Yeh, HC Chaung, FC Kuo, OY Fu, HY Chen.
Serum adiponectin and leptin levels in Taiwanese breast cancer. 2006/06, Cancer Letters, 8;237(1):109-14, SCI, Q1: 29/223= 13.00%, IF: 6.491, Oncology. - YT Yeh1, MF Hou, YF Chung, YJ Chen, SF Yang, DC Chen, JH Su, SS Yuan.
Decreased expression of phosphorylated JNK in breast infiltrating ductal carcinoma is associated with a better overall survival. 2006/06, International Journal of Cancer, 1;118(11):2678-84, SCI, Q1: 23/223= 10.31%, IF: 7.360, Oncology. - YT Yeh1, OY Fu, IF Chen, SF Yang, YY Wang, HY Chuang, JH Su, MF Hou, SS Yuan.
STAT3 Ser727 Phosphorylation and Its Association with Negative Estrogen Receptor Status in Breast Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma. 2006/06, International Journal of Cancer, 118(12):2943-7, SCI, Q1: 23/223= 10.31%, IF: 7.360, Oncology. - TF Chan, JH Su, YF Chung, YH Hsu, YT Yeh, SS Yuan.
Elevated amniotic fluid leptin levels in pregnant women who are destined to develop preeclampsia. 2006/05, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, Volume 85, 2006 - Issue 2 Pages 171-174, SCI, Q2: 26/82= 31.71%, IF: 2.649, obstetrics & gynecology. - SN Wang, YT Yeh, ML Yu, WL Chung, KT Lee.
Hyperleptinemia and hypoadiponectinemia are associated with gallstone disease. 2006/03, European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2006, 36, 176-180, SCI, Q1: 32/155= 20.65%, IF: 3.086, medicine, general & internal. - SF Yang, SS Yuan, YT Yeh, MT Wu, JH Su, SC Hung, CY Chai.
The role of p-STAT3 (ser727) revealed by its association with Ki-67 in cervical intraepithelial. 2005/09, Gynecologic Oncology, 98(3):446-52. SCI, Q1: 52/217= 23.96 %, IF: 4.959, obstetrics & gynecology. - SS Yuan, KB Tsai, YF Chung, TF Chan, YT Yeh, LY Tsai, JH Su.
Aberrant expression and possible involvement of the leptin receptor in endometrial cancer. 2004/03, Gynecologic Oncology, Volume 92, Issue 3, Pages 769-775, SCI, Q1: 52/217= 23.96 %, IF: 4.959, obstetrics & gynecology. - TF Chan, SS Yuan, HS Chen, CF Guu, LC Wu, YT Yeh, YF Chung, SB Jong, JH Su.
Correlations between umbilical and maternal serum adiponectin levels and neonatal birthweights. 2004/02, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 83(2):165-9, SCI, Q2: 26/82= 31.71%, IF: 2.649, obstetrics & gynecology. - TF Chan, JH Su, YF Chung, YH Hsu, YT Yeh, SB Jong, SS Yuan.
Amniotic fluid and maternal serum leptin levels in pregnant women who subsequently develop preeclampsia. 2003/05, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 108(1):50-3. Q3: 50/82= 60.98%, IF: 1.809, obstetrics & gynecology. - SS Yuan, HL Chang, HW Chen, YT Yeh, YH Kao, KH Lin, YC Wu, JH Su.
Annonacin, a mono-tetrahydrofuran acetogenin, arrests cancer cells at the G1 phase and causes cytotoxicity in a Bax- and caspase-3-related pathway. 2003/05, Life Sciences, 72(25):2853-61, SCI, Q2: 73/161= 45.34%, IF: 2.385, pharmacology & pharmacy. - SS Yuan, YT Yeh, EY Lee.
Pax-2 interacts with RB and reverses its repression on the promoter of Rig-1, a Robo member. 2002/08, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 296(4):1019-25, SCI, Q3: 170/293= 58.02%, IF: 2.559, Biophysics.
- Fecal microbial markers of Taiwan colorectal cancer. (2019, Jul) 2019 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japanese.
- α7nAchR signaling in lung cancer. (2019, Jul) 2019 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japanese.
- Impacts of HDAC2 inhibition on lung cancer treatment. (2019, Apr) ELCC 2019 European Lung Cancer Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Nuclear p-ser394-FOXO3a/FOXO3a ratio is associated with an improved survival and response to therapy in breast cancer. (2018, Dec) 2018 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
- Impacts of nicotine on HDAC2 signaling in lung cancer. (2018, May) 2018 The 23th Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Potential of Berberine for targeting autophagy in lung cancer cells. (2018, Apr) Cold Spring Harbor Asia- Ubiquitin Family, Autophagy and Diseases, Suzhou, China.
- Leptin Enhanced the Cytotoxic Effects of Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (2017, Sep) International Liver Cancer Association 11th Annual Conference 15-17 September 2017 Seoul, South Korea.
- In situ miR-133a levels predict an improved survival of Taiwanese breast cancer receiving hormone therapy. (2016, May) Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference and International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology (TJCC & ACOS). Taipei, Taiwan.
- Phosphorylated p38 and JNK MAPK proteins in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2014, Sep) Research update for articles published in EJCI in 2014.
- Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain-5 (ITIH-5) gene is a potential methylation biomarker in breast cancer. (2014, May) Taiwan Joint Cancer Conference and International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology (TJCC & ACOS). Taipei, Taiwan.
- Histone deacetylase 6 promotes a ligand-independent activation of EGFR signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma. (2014, Apr) European Association for the Study of the Liver. London, United Kingdom.
- Increased pre-mir-133a expression associated with poor prognosis in Taiwanese breast cancer. (2013, Mar) Taiwan Surgical Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Study the underlying mechanisms and potential roles of activated Mitogen-avtivated Protein Kinase Kinase4 (p-MKK4) in breast cancer metastasis. (2013, Mar) Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference. St. Gallen, Switzerland.
- HDAC2 promotes the nuclear the nuclear translocation of HER-2/neu and induced the expression of COX-2 in breast cancer. (2012, Sep) TIBCS & IOPBS. Taipei, Taiwan.
- PIAS3 and its interplay with estrogen receptor in breast cancer. (2012, May) EMBO Conference Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Interplay of HDAC6 with progesterone signaling in breast cancer. (2012, May) EMBO Conference Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Novel peptide mimics targeting Nibrin inhibit tumor growth of liver cancer cells. (2012, May) EMBO Conference Cellular Signaling & Molecular Medicine. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Increased HDAC8 protein associates with poor survival of breast cancer patients. (2012, May) International Symposium on Clinical and Translational Cancer Research. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Lignad-like peptide mimic enhanced the cytotoxicity of medroxylprogesterone and mgesterol acetate toward liver cancer cells. (2012, May) International Symposium on Clinical and Translational Cancer Research. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- The crosstalk of HDAC2 and HER2/neu signaling in breast cancer. (2012, Mar) Taiwan Surgical Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
- The Interplay of Methylation of mkp-1 Promoter with Estrogen receptor in Breast Cancer. (2012, Mar) Taiwan Surgical Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Increased HDAC6 Associated with β-catenin and Poor Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. (2011, May) European Biomarkers Summit. London, United Kingdom.
- The HDAC9-MEF2 regulatory cycle in metastatic breast cancer. (2010, Dec) San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposia. Texas.
- The interplay of HDAC2 with HER2/neu in breast cancer. (2010, Sep) Taipei International Breast Cancer Symposium. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Histone deacetylase 6 was associated with overall survival rate in progesterone receptor-negative breast cancer. (2010, Mar) New Paradigms in Cancer Therapeutics (Z1). Victoria, British Columbia.
- Molecular pathways and therapeutic targets of adiponectin in Hepatocellular carcinoma. (2010, Mar) New Paradigms in Cancer Therapeutics (Z1). Victoria, British Columbia.
Principal investigator of Ministry of Science and Technology
- 針對腸型、基因型與糞便代謝物在糖尿病的互動開發以益生菌為基底之營養補充品(110-2637-B-242-005-) 2020/08/01~2022/07/31 (NTD. 140,000/2 years)
- 轉譯研究:肝癌中組蛋白去乙醯酶 6 之次細胞位置的不同角色(105-2320-B-242-002-MY3)2016.08.01 ~ 2019.07.31 (NTD. 3,210,000/ 3 years)
- 組蛋白去乙醯酶 6 在肝癌中的預後意義與治療策略(II)(104-2320-B-242-002-)2015.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31 (NTD. 600,000/ 1 year)
- 組蛋白去乙醯酶6在肝癌中的預後意義與治療策略(I)(103-2320-B-242-002-)2014.08.01 ~ 2015.07.31 (NTD. 870,000 / 1 year)
- 探討核酸MRE11媒介的AKT訊息活化在肝癌中所扮演的角色並開發前驅藥(102-2320-B-242-003-)2013.08.01 ~ 2014.07.31 (NTD. 830,000 / 1 year)
- 配位子樣擬胜肽抗癌藥物之開發及其在肝癌治療上之應用教育部計畫2012.01.08 ~ 2012.12.31 (NTD. 1,928,000 / 1 year)
- 利用細胞及動物模式鑑定擬胜肽抗癌藥物的結構與活性關係教育部計畫2011.02.09 ~ 2011.12.31 (NTD. 1780,000 / 1 year)
- 結合臨床實證及基礎研究探討DNA修復蛋白質RAD51在肝癌的角色及應用(99-2628-B-037-040-MY3)2010.08.01 ~ 2013.07.31 (NTD. 3,870,000 / 3 years)
- 改良可選擇性抑制乳癌細胞的新型MDM-2擬態藥物並探討其轉機-輔英科技大學產學計畫2010.01.01 ~ 2010.12.31 (NTD. 3870,000 / 1 year)
- 以DNA修復蛋白質Nibrin/NBS1在肝癌發展中扮演的角色及致癌機轉開發原型標靶藥物(98-2320-B-242-002-MY3)2009.08.01 ~ 2012.07.31 (NTD. 4,560,000 / 3 years)
- 壓力活化蛋白質激脢之訊息傳遞在乳癌發生中所扮演之角色---臨床應用與基礎研究(97-2320-B-242-001-MY3)2008.08.01 ~ 2011.07.31 (NTD. 3,881,000 / 3 years)
Co-principal investigator of Ministry of Science and Technology
- 探討活化型MKK4在乳癌轉移過程中調控乳腺癌轉移抑制蛋白BRMS1的分子機轉:從基礎的剖析至臨床治療之應用
2021/08/01~2022/07/31 - 自組裝重金屬及生醫感測層材料用於專一性快速檢測系統
2021/08/01~2022/0731 - 探討腸道菌叢及其代謝物組成於調控糖尿病控制不佳之潛伏結核患者之CD4陽性T細胞所扮演之角色
2020/08/01~2023/07/31 - 發展中老年風濕性疾病女性患者自我管理教育網站介入及驗證在壓力生物指標、健康狀態及健康行為之成效(三年期)
2020/08/01~2023/07/31 - 植物多酚pterostilbene及其衍生物3'-hydroxypterostilbene對腸道微菌叢失調與非酒精性脂肪肝病之影響
2020/08/01~2023/07/31 - 細胞核內微型核酸miR-133a與DNA損傷反應之交互作用在乳癌的角色
2019/08/01~2022/07/31 - 微型光纖探針感測系統
2018/08/01~2021/07/31 - 細胞核內微型核酸miR-133a與DNA損傷反應之交互作用在乳癌的角色
(MOST 108-2314-B-037 -085 -MY3)
2019.08.01~2022.07.31 (NTD. 3,720,000 / 3 years) - HDAC6啟動子高度甲基化在風濕性關節炎患者的角色及機轉(II)(MOST 108-2314-B-037-039)2019.08.01~2020.07.31 (NTD. 950,000 / 1 year)
- 探討尼古丁對組蛋白去乙醯酶 2 相關訊息在肺癌治療抗性的影響(II)(MOST 107-2314-B-650-008)2018.08.1 ~ 2019.07.31 (NTD. 1,100,000 / 1 year)
- 探討尼古丁及其alpha 7接受器相關訊息在肺癌的角色(MOST 107-2314-B-650-007)2018.08.1 ~ 2019.07.31 (NTD. 1,100,000 / 1 year)
- 高雄市一般護理之家沙門氏感染狀況與影響計畫高雄市衛生局研究計劃2016.12.01 ~ 2017.10.30 (NTD. 95,000 / 1 year)
- 探討尼古丁對組蛋白去乙醯酶 2 相關訊息在肺癌治療抗性的影響(MOST 106-2314-B-037-068-)2017.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31 (NTD. 1580,000 / 3 years)
- 探討 miR-133a 基因群在乳癌中的角色並發展相對非侵犯性篩選平台(II)(103-2314-B-037-046-MY2)2014.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31 (NTD. 2,340,000 / 3 years)
- 開發肝癌之新穎性NBS1-MDM2交互作用標靶抑制劑(103-2325-B-039-007-CC1)2014.06.01 ~ 2015.05.31 (NTD. 3,774,000 / 1 year)
- 以改善患者存活及生活品質為中心思考的癌症轉譯研究衛福部2014.01.01 ~ 2017.12.31
- 乳癌中MAPK媒介之c-jun抑制性磷酸化作用的機制探討與預後應用(102-2314-B-037-036-MY3)2013.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31 (NTD. 3,600,000 / 3 years)
- 乳癌中組蛋白去乙醯媒介之Her2/neu 核錯位的機制探討與治療策略(102-2314-B-037-034-MY3)2013.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31 (NTD. 3,900,00 / 3 years)
- 探討Mir133a基因群在乳癌中的角色並發展相對非侵犯性篩選平台(102-2314-B-037-038-)2013.08.01 ~ 2014.07.31 (NTD. 1,000,000 / 1 year)
- 探討瘦激素在肝癌中所扮演的角色及應用(II)(102-2628-B-037-009-MY3)2013.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31 (NDT. 3,900,000 / 3 years)
- 組蛋白去乙醯酶 6之錯位在肺癌轉移的潛在角色、機制探討及治療策略開發(101-2314-B-037-060-MY3)2012.08.01 ~ 2015.07.31 (NDT. 3,750,000 / 3 years)
- 異硫氰酸苯乙酯對人類口腔癌細胞誘發氧化壓力與細胞凋亡機制之研究/輔英科技大學校內計畫2011.04.01 ~ 2011.10.31
- 研究組蛋白去乙醯脢和雌激素受體間之互動及其在乳癌治療及預後之可行性(99-2628-B-037-007-MY3)2010.08.01 ~ 2013.07.31 (NTD.3,870,000 / 3 years)
- 從臨床到基礎研究綜觀脂聯素(Adiponectin)對肝癌的影響(99-2314-B-037-030-MY2)2010.08.01 ~ 2012.07.31 (NTD. 1,980,000 / 2 years)
- MKP1/DUSP1在乳癌的機制探討與潛在性應用(99-2314-B-037-016-MY3)2010.08.01 ~ 2013.07.31 (NTD. 3,270,000 / 3 years)
- 活化態轉錄訊息傳遞活化子3的抑制蛋白(Protein inhibitor of activated STAT3, PIAS3) 在乳癌中所扮演之角色
- 高雄醫學大學附設醫院 院內計畫2009.01.01 ~ 2010.02.28 (NDT. 410,000 / 1 year)
- 探討Rad51修復蛋白在肝癌中可能扮演的角色
- 高雄醫學大學附設醫院 院內計畫2008.12.01 ~ 2009.11.30 (NDT. 190,000 / 1 year)
- 乳癌中的Mre11/Rad50/NBS1複合體---基礎研究及臨床應用(97-2314-B-214-002-MY2)2008.08.01 ~ 2010.07.31 (NTD. 2,040,000 / 2 years)
- 開發癌症診斷晶片全球化網路系統暨其自動化檢測工具之研發
- 輔英科技大學產學計畫2008.05.01 ~ 2013.04.30 (NTD. 25,000,000 / 5 years)
Projects with E-DA Hospital, Taiwan.
- 探討微菌叢在肺部疾病的可能角色及潛在機轉 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫(整合型)
2019.03.01 ~ 2020.02.29 (NTD. 1,200,000) - 肺癌尼古丁與DNA雙股斷裂修復蛋白質NBS1間的交互作用 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2019.03.01 ~ 2020.02.29 (NTD.200,000) - 開發以HDAC2作為標靶的肺癌治療策略 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000) - 探討DNA雙股斷裂修復蛋白質NBS1在肺癌的角色與作用機轉 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000) - 紫珠水萃物增強紫杉醇誘導肺腺癌A549細胞的毒殺現象 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000) - 探討PIAS3在雌激素受體陽性之乳癌產生荷爾蒙治療抗性的機轉 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000) - 標靶藥蕾莎瓦與十字花科衍生化合物在肝癌治療的開發與應用 (Co-PI)
義大醫院 院內計畫
2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000)
Ministry of Education and Asia-pacific Biotech Developing
- 產學合作案
2021/10/01~2022/09/30 (NTD. 800,000) - 產學合作案
2021/08/01~2022/07/31 (NTD. 1,166,000) - 產學合作案
2021/04/15~2021/10/15 (NTD. 225,000) - 產學合作案
2021/04/15~2021/10/15 (NTD. 225,000) - 產學合作案
2021/01/01~2021/12/31 (NTD. 1,600,000) - 產學合作案
2020/10/01~2021/09/30 (NTD. 1,000,000) - 產學合作案
2020/11/01~2021/07/31 (NTD. 1,600,000 - 產學合作案
牛樟芝滴粒90天餵食毒性試驗 (co-PI)
2020/09/01~2021/08/31 (NTD. 1,300,000) - 產學合作案
2020/08/01~2021/07/31 (NTD. 1,259,500) - 產學合作案
2020/08/01~2021/07/31 (NTD. 2,200,000) - 嘉義縣衛生局
2019/06/01~2019/12/30 (NTD. 95,000) - 乳癌基因檢測計劃 (Co-PI)
Funding Period: 2018.08.01 ~ 2021.07.31 (NTD. 200,000,000 / 3 years) - 標靶藥蕾莎瓦與十字花科衍生化合物在肝癌治療的開發與應用義大醫院 院內計畫2018.03.01 ~ 2019.02.28 (NTD.200,000)
- Ministry of Education and Asia-pacific Biotech Developing
- 乳癌基因檢測計劃永齡基金會Funding Period: 2018.08.01 ~ 2021.07.31 (NTD. 200,000,000 / 3 years)
- 建置跨院系智能化精準醫療實作場域教育部2018.05.30 ~ 2022.05.30 (NTD. 18,000,000 / 4 years))
- 建置跨院系智能化精準醫療實作場域
2018.05.30 ~ 2022.05.30 (NTD. 18,000,000 / 4 years) - 以肝癌模式發展原型胜肽類MDM2標靶藥物
2008.09.01 ~ 2009.08.31 (NTD. 350,000 /1 year)
- PCT/CN2010/001662 以瘦激素治療肝癌用途之應用
- 擔任科技部及教育部研究計畫主持人核定總經費超過6,048.1萬元。
- 擔任科技部研究計畫共同主持人核定總經費超過6,524萬元。
- 擔任國際知名SCI期刊(Cancer Letters, Carcinogenesis, Neoplasia…等)審稿委員(Reviewer)。
- 擔任國際知名期刊International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology (IJCEP), International Scholarly Research Notices, Advances in Modern Oncology Research (AMOR), Iore Journal of Cancer (IORE)編輯委員(Editor)。
- 輔英科技大學校內98、100、103、106學年度教師評鑑研究類優良獎。
- 教育部大專院校實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資方案獎勵人員(2013-2014)。
- 科技部補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才獎(2010-迄今)。
- 榮登Marquis Who’s Who in the World of Biotechnologist educator世界名人錄之生物技術教育家(2012-迄今)。
- 榮登Who's Who in Science and Engineering世界名人錄之科學與工程(2016)。
- 榮獲Marquis Who's Who 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award終生成就獎(2018)。
- 榮獲2018高雄市岡山高中傑出校友。
- 榮獲2019中山醫學大學學術組傑出校友。