李杏丹|Li, Sing-Dan
李杏丹|Li, Sing-Dan
🎓 專任副教授
👨🎓 國立陽明大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 7046
📧 MT085@fy. edu.tw
📖 學術專長
- 國立陽明大學生理學研究所博士(1996)
- 國立成功大學生理學研究所碩士(1992)
- 國立成功大學生物系學士(1990)
- 輔英科技大學/保健營養系/碩士學位論文口試委員
- 國立中山大學/生物科學系/博士學位論文口試委員
- 私立中國醫藥大學/生理學科/講師
- 臺中榮民總醫院/教學研究部/研究助理
- 國立陽明大學/生理學研究所/生理學教學助理
- 天然物的抗癌機轉與應用
- 103學年度論文指導:含笑莖部化學成分及生物活性成分之研究,蔡全榮。
- 臺灣急救教育推廣與諮詢中心心肺復甦術暨自動體外電擊器合格證書
- 3D列印設計師Professional
- 3D列印文創設計師Professional
- 3D列印商品設計師Professional
- 3D列印時尚設計師Professional
- 醫療保健觀光管理師Professional
- 生態觀光旅遊管理師Professional
- 休閒治療師Professional
- 養身芳療舒壓師Professional
- Flavonoids of Crithmum maritimum. Chem. Nat. Comps. 57(5): 917-920 (2021).
- A new flavonoid from Plectranthus amboinicus. Chem. Nat. Comps. 57(1): 30-32 (2021).
- Chemical constituents of Morus alba. Chem. Nat. Comps. 56(5): 904-905 (2020).
- A new diester from the flowers of Michelia fuscata. Chem. Nat. Comps. 56(3): 400-402 (2020).
- Chemical constituents of the leaves of Cinnamomum insulari-montanum. Chem. Nat. Comps. 55(5): 922-923 (2019).
- Flavonoids from the flowers of Aquilaria agallocha. Chem. Nat. Comps. 55(4): 722-723 (2019).
- Chemical constituents of the leaves of Elaeagnus grandifolia. Chem. Nat. Comps. 55(2): 334-336 (2019).
- Amides from the stems of Capsicum annum var. fasciculatum. Chem. Nat. Comps. 55(1): 175-177 (2019).
- A new phenylalkanoid from the rhizomes of Alpinia galanga. Chem. Nat. Comps. 54(6): 1072-1075 (2018).
- Chemical constituents of the flowers of Michelia alba. Chem. Nat. Comps. 54(3): 512-514 (2018).
- Chemical constituents of the leaves of Michelia figo. Chem. Nat. Comps. 54(2): 407-410 (2018).
- Two new phenylalkanoids from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale. Chem. Nat. Comps. 54(1): 7-9 (2018).
- A new lignan from Cinnamomum burmanii. Chem. Nat. Comps. 53(4): 623-625 (2017).
- Isoquinoline alkaloids from Michelia fuscata. Chem. Nat. Comps. 53(3): 504-507 (2017).
- Flavonoids from the flowers of Aquilaria sinensis. Chem. Nat. Comps. 52(3): 497-498 (2016).
- Secondary metabolites from the stems of Nelumbo nucifera cv. Rosa-plena. Chem. Nat. Comps. 51(5): 959-960 (2015).
- Cinnapine, a new pyridine alkaloid from Cinnamomum philippinense. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2015) 51(4).
- New sulfur-containing amides from Clinacanthus nutans. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (2015) 2(3).
- Secondary metabolites from the leaves of Cinnamomum macrostemon hayata. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences(2015) 2(3).
- Secondary metabolites from the stems of Capsicum annuum var. conoides. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2015) 51(1).
- Review on pharmacological activities of Michelia alba. International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics (2014) 5(4).
- Chemical constituents of the stems of Michelia champaca. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2014) 50(6).
- Secondary metabolites from the leaves of Victoria amazonica. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2014) 50(5).
- Antioxidant and anticancer aporphine alkaloids from the leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. cv. Rosa-plena. Molecules (2014) 19(11).
- Pharmacological studies of isoobtusilactone A from Cinnamomum kotoense with anticancer potential. Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resources (2014) 4(3).
- Secondary metabolites from the stems of Michelia compressa var. formosana. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2014) 50(1).
- The pharmacological activities of (-)-anonaine. Molecules (2013) 18(7).
- Secondary metabolites from the stems of Capsicum annuum var. longum. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2013) 49(4).
- Alkaloids from Cinnammomum philippinense. Natural Product Communications (2012) 7(12).
- Chemical constituents from the leaves of Cinnamomum burmannii. Chem. Nat. Comps. (2012) 48(5).
- Antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitor from Leucaena leucocephala. African Journal of Biotechnology (2012) 11(77).
- Inhibitory effect of Hexahydrocurcumin on human platelet aggregation. Natural Product Communications (2012) 7(7).
- Nitric oxide and glutamate in the dorsal facial area regulate common carotid blood flow in the cat. Kuo JS, Lee TJ, Chiu YY, Li HT,
- Lin NN, Tsai TT, Gong CL. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 594(1-3): 55-63 (2008).
- Regulation of common carotid arterial blood flow by nitergic neurons in the medulla of cats. Gong CL, Chiu YT, Lin NN, Cheng CC, Li
- HT, Kuo,JS. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 556(1-3): 84-88 (2007).
- Dorsal facial area of cat medulla: 5-HT2 action on glutamate release in regulating common carotid blood flow. Neuroscience Letters(1999) 266.
- The dorsal facial area of the medulla in cats: inhibitory action of serotonin on glutamate release in regulating common carotid blood flow. Neuroscience Letters (1996) 210.
- Physical conditioning decreases norepinephrine-induced vasoconstriction in rabbits. Circulation (1994) 90.
- Physical conditioning can modulate endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in rabbits. Arterioscler. Thromb. (1993) 13.
- Effects of [4]-Shogaol on the Oral Cancer Cells (OC2)(研討會:2012第27屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,起迄日:2012/03/17~2012/03/18)
- Effects of Hexahydrocurcumin on the Oral Cancer Cells (OC2)(研討會:2012第27屆生物醫學聯合學術年會,起迄日:2012/03/17~2012/03/18)
- 樟樹活性結構之成分分離活性試驗(FH-HR-108-07, 2019. 08. 01 ~ 2020. 07. 31, 共同主持人) 輔英科技大學附設醫院
- 辣椒活性成分之針對抗病毒與DPPH活性分析試驗 (FH-HR-107-06, 2018. 08. 01 ~ 2019. 07. 31, 共同主持人) 輔英科技大學附設醫院
- 沈香種子活性成分研究 (FYU1700-107-09, 2018. 06. 15 ~ 2018. 11. 30, 主持人)輔英科技大學
- 阿里山十大功勞葉部活性成分之研究 (FYU1700-106-12, 2017. 06. 01 ~ 2017. 11. 30, 主持人)輔英科技大學
- 高良薑化學成分之研究 (FYU1700-105-05, 2016. 05. 01 ~ 2016. 10. 31, 主持人)輔英科技大學
- 應用青辣椒活性萃取物開發具抗氧化效果之保養品(103B-78 -009, 2014.01.01 ~ 2014. 12.31)教育部推動技專院校與產業園區產學合作計畫
- 輔英科技大學104學年度教師學術及專業研發成果獎勵 (2016)
- 輔英科技大學103學年度教師學術及專業研發成果獎勵 (2015)