張美音 | Chang, Mei-Yin
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張美音|Chang, Mei-Yin
🎓 專任副教授
👨🎓 高雄醫學大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 5314
📧 ft049@fy.edu.tw
📖 學術專長
- 高雄醫學大學醫學研究所博士(2007)
- 高雄醫學大學醫學研究所碩士(2001)(1982)
- 輔英附設醫院人體試驗會委員
- 美和技術學院/生物科技/助理教授
- 育英醫護管理專科學校/護理科/助理教授
- 美和技術學院/護理系/助理教授
- 慈惠醫護管理專科學校/護理科/助理教授
- 財團法人屏東基督教醫院/醫學研究室/研究員
- 高雄醫學大學/基因體醫學研究中心/助理研究員
- 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院/檢驗科/中級醫檢師
- 國軍高雄總醫院屏東分院//檢驗科/醫檢師
- 病理學
- 臨床鏡檢學
- 臨床病毒學
- 中草藥抗癌、抗病毒活性作用機轉研究
- 探討疾病的致病因與基因的調控有關外,環境因子、疾病的相關性統計研究
- 108學年度專題: Study on Activity of Prescription and Its Components-黃雅君、蘇千棋
- 107學年度專題: The study of extracts from the Cyclocarya paliurus and the active compounds on Action Mechanism.-蕭名妊、溫馨
- 106學年度專題: The study of extracts from the Clinacanthus nutans and the active compounds on Action Mechanism. -陳妍玟
- 105學年度專題: Antioxidative Constituents from Plantago major-盧儀庭、歐晉憲
- 104學年度專題: The study of extracts from the Clinacanthus nutans and the active compounds on Action Mechanism-張芷寧、蕭又慈。
- 103學年度專題: Biofunctional constituents from the plantaginaceae with anticancer and immunity properties-謝宛陵、沈秉諺。
- 102學年度專題: The proliferative inhibitor and apoptosis mechanism of Linalool in breast cancer cells-王亭茵、陳亭玉。
- 101學年度專題: Linalool Exhibits Cytotoxic Effects by Activating Antitumor Immunity -沈依伶。
- 100學年度專題: Study of the mechanism on Linalool-induced apoptosis in U937 cells -沈依伶。
- 99學年度專題: The study of extracts from the plantago genus and the active compounds on antioxidative effect -沈依伶、鄭必穎。
- 98學年度專題: Gene expression profiles in varicose veins using Microarray-Bioinformatic-劉盈吟、沈渝靜。
- 醫事檢驗師證書(台檢驗字第7505號)
- 台灣受試者保護協會證書 (證書號:120302132、120303141、130621095、130903012)
- MOCC認證 (電教證字第 9274941號 ; Word 2010專業級、Power
- point2010專業級、Excel 2010專業級、電子商務標準級 E-Commerce)
- 職場倫理認證合格 (15-A-WE-00-ITM-886000147)
- 食品安全管制系統基礎訓練合格證書HACCP (食安證字第 A103101804206 號)
- ITMKS 創新創意行銷企劃-標準級 (ITMKE-T96050104)
- ITMKS 創新創意行銷企劃-專家級 (ITMKE-T96060104)
- 文創設計師 CCD (CIIP-CCDA-10400155)
- 會議展覽行銷管理師CEMKTM (CIIP-CEMKTMA-10400148)
- 銀髮族照護管理師SENCN (CIIP-SENCNA-10400155)
- 觀光休閒餐旅英文管理師 TLHEM (CIIP-TLHEMA-10400150)
- 養身芳療舒壓師 DPDCA (CIIP-DPDCAA-10400093)
- 生態觀光旅遊管理師 ETTM (CIIP-ETTMA-10400090)
- 休閒治療師 RECPIST (CIIP-RECPISTA-10400090)
- 醫療保健觀光管理師 MHTMA (CIIP-MHTMA-10400096)
- 3D列印商品設計師 3DPCD (CIIP-3DPCD-10400058)
- 3D列印設計師 3DPD (CIIP-3DPDA-10400056)
- 3D列印時尚設計師 3DPFD (CIIP-3DPFDA-10400058)
- 3D列印文創設計 3DPCCD (CIIP-3DPCCDA-10400059)
- Increased risk of incident nasopharyngeal carcinoma with exposure to air pollution. PloS one 2018, 13, e0204568.
- Tamoxifen use and acute pancreatitis: A population-based cohort study. PloS one 2017, 12, e0173089.
- Spatial Temporal Dynamics and Molecular Evolution of Re-Emerging Rabies Virus in Taiwan. International journal of molecular sciences 2016, 17.
- Air pollution exposure increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis: A longitudinal and nationwide study. Environment international 2016, 94, 495-499.
- Linalool Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Leukemia Cells and Cervical Cancer Cells through CDKIs. International journal of molecular sciences 2015, 16, 28169-79.
- A Large-Scale Study Indicates Increase in the Risk of Epilepsy in Patients With Different Risk Factors, Including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Medicine 2015, 94, e1485.
- Exposure to air pollution increases the risk of osteoporosis: a nationwide longitudinal study. Medicine 2015, 94, e733.
- The proliferative inhibitor and apoptosis mechanism of Linalool in breast cancer cells. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 2014, 5, 131.
- SECONDARY METABOLITES FROM THE LEAVES OF Victoria amazonica. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2014, 50, 955-956.
- Development of a miRNA biochip platform. Biomarkers and Genomic Medicine 2014, 6, 154-158.
- Increased risk of dementia in patients exposed to nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide: a population-based retrospective cohort study. PloS one 2014, 9, e103078.
- Burdock Essence Promotes Gastrointestinal Mucosal Repair in Ulcer Patients. Fooyin J Health Sci 2010, 2, 26-31.
- Apoptosis and Angiogenesis in Varicose Veins Using Gene Expression Profiling. Fooyin J Health Sci 2009, 1, 85-91.
- Detection of activated K-ras in non-small cell lung cancer by membrane array: a comparison with direct sequencing. Oncology reports 2007, 18, 17-24.
- Combined oligonucleotide microarray-bioinformatics and constructed membrane arrays to analyze the biological pathways in the carcinogenesis of human lung adenocarcinoma. Oncology reports 2007, 18, 569-79.
- Development of a membrane array-based multimarker assay for detection of circulating cancer cells in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. International journal of cancer 2006, 119, 1419-26.
- Combined detection of CEA, CK-19 and c-met mRNAs in peripheral blood: a highly sensitive panel for potential molecular diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology 2006, 70, 203-11.
- Great potential of a panel of multiple hMTH1, SPD, ITGA11 and COL11A1 markers for diagnosis of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Oncology reports 2006, 16, 981-8.
- APC, K-ras, and p53 gene mutations in colorectal cancer patients: correlation to clinicopathologic features and postoperative surveillance. The American surgeon 2005, 71, 336-43.
- Overexpression of circulating c-met messenger RNA is significantly correlated with nodal stage and early recurrence in non-small cell lung cancer. Chest 2005, 128, 1453-60.
- High frequency of somatic missense mutation of BRCA2 in female breast cancer from Taiwan. Cancer letters 2005, 220, 177-84.
- High frequency of frameshift mutation on p53 gene in Taiwanese with non small cell lung cancer. Cancer letters 2005, 222, 195-204.
- Molecular detection of APC, K- ras, and p53 mutations in the serum of colorectal cancer patients as circulating biomarkers. World journal of surgery 2004, 28, 721-6.
- Immunomodulatory activities of flavonoids, monoterpenoids, triterpenoids, iridoid glycosides and phenolic compounds of Plantago species. Planta medica 2003, 69, 600-4.
- Antileukemic activity of selected natural products in Taiwan. The American journal of Chinese medicine 2003, 31, 37-46.
- In vitro cytotoxic, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of Plantago major and Plantago asiatica. The American journal of Chinese medicine 2003, 31, 225-34.
- Antiviral activity of Plantago major extracts and related compounds in vitro. Antiviral research 2002, 55, 53-62.
- Evaluation of the efficacy of Cyclocarya paliurus tea bags. 海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇. 2020/12/18-19.
- The study of extracts from the Musa acuminata on Action Mechanism. 2019南台灣健康照護暨健康產業學術研討會.2019/11/13
- Study on Activity of Prescription and Its Components. 2019南台灣健康照護暨健康產業學術研討會.2019/11/13.
- The study of extracts from the Cyclocarya paliurus and the active compounds on Action Mechanism. 2019南台灣健康照護暨健康產業學術研討會.2019/11/13
- Evaluation of the efficacy of Musa acuminata. 2019南台灣健康照護暨健康產業學術研討會.2019/11/13
- 憂遁草之莖與葉抗氧化研究. 2018海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇.2018/10/20-21. 方劑與其抗氧化作用機轉之研究/陳春福. 2018海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇.2018/10/20-21.
- Antioxidative Constituents from Plantago major. 2017南台灣健康照護暨健康產業學術研討會. 2017/10/12.
- The study of extracts from the plantago genus and the active compounds on antioxidative effect. (poster) 105年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2016/11/05.
- Linalool Induces G0/G1 Phase Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Leukemia Cells and Cervical Cancer Cells through cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CDKIs). (poster) 103年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2015/09/05.
- 103年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2014/11/01. P.O11~O11.
- Biofunctional constituents from the Plantaginaceae with anticancer and immunity properties. (poster) 103年年會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2014/11/01.
- The proliferative inhibitor and apoptosis mechanism of linalool in breast cancer cells. (poster). 102年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會年會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2013/10/19.
- 102年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會年會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會. 2013/10/19. P.43~43.
- Study of the mechanism on Linalool-induced apoptosis in U937 cells. (poster) 佳作 2011亞太醫檢學會. 2011/05/01.
- The study of extracts from the plantago genus and the active compounds on antioxidative effect. (poster) 2010 第三屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會.2010/05/01~2010/05/02.
- Gene expression profiles in varicose veins using Microarray-Bioinformatic. (poster) The Ninth Chinese Laboratory Medicine Conference. 2009/06/26~2009/06/29.
- p53基因在人類非小細胞肺癌的表現. 2008南台灣健康產業暨銀髮族健康照護學術研討會 2008
- K-ras基因在人類非小細胞肺癌突變情形分析. 2008年亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會.2007
- A valuable diagnostic panel of mRNA markers in detection of circulating cancer cells from patient with non-small cell Lung cancer. 11th World Congress on Advances in Oncology and 9th International Symposium on Molecular Medicine.2006. Greece, Crete
- A valuable diagnostic panel of mRNA markers in detection of circulating cancer cells from patient with non-small cell Lung cancer. ATS International Conference. 2006. USA
- Multimarker Detection of CEA, CK-19 and c-met mRNAs in Peripheral Blood: a Highly Sensitive Panel for Molecular Diagnosis of Non-Small Cell Lung ATS International Conference. 2006. USA
- Development of a Membrane Array-Based Multimarker Assay for Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. ATS International Conference. 2006. USA
- Significantly Overexpression Genes in Human Squamous Cell Lung Cancer by Bioinformatics Combined Microarray Analysis. ATS International Conference. 2006. USA
- A Valuable Diagnostic Panel of mRNA Markers in Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells from Patient with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer . ATS International Conference. 2006. USA
- Development of a Membrane Array-Based Multimarker Assay for Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. TAIWAN SOCIETY OF PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE.2005
- Combined Detection of CEA, CK-19 and c-met mRNAs in Peripheral Blood: a Highly Sensitive Panel for Molecular Diagnosis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. TAIWAN SOCIETY OF PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2005
- Significantly Overexpression Genes in Human Squamous Cell Lung Cancer by Bioinformatics Combined Microarray Analysis. TAIWAN SOCIETY OF PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2005
- A valuable diagnostic panel of mRNA markers in detection of circulating cancer cells from patient with non-small cell Lung cancer. TAIWAN SOCIETY OF PULMONARY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. 2005
- 香蕉養生茶包功效之評估(J107039A/AI-107034) 產學計畫案。
- 毛忍冬免疫調節活性之研究(FYU-1300-107-04) 校內補助案。
- 方劑與其成份活性作用機轉之研究(J106019A/PS107027) 產學計畫案。
- 麻杏甘石湯活性及其抗SW480作用機轉之研究(FYU-1300-106-06) 校內補助案。
- 翹散加減方之養身茶包功效之評估產學合作(J105019A/PS106018) 產學計畫案。
- 車前屬植物活性成分抗氧化分析(FYU1300-105-14) 校內補助案。
- 車前草成分芳樟醇誘發血癌細胞凋亡作用機轉之研究 (FYU1300-104-06) 校內補助案。
- 中草藥複方銀翹散有效成分之鑑定與安全性評估 (FH-HR-103- 05)校外合作案。
- 車前草成分抗癌活性分析及基原鑑定 (FYU1300-103-18) 校內補助案。
- 八卦蓮基源鑑定與活性成分應用性評估 (FH-HR-102-06) 校外合作案。
- 以高效能超臨界流體技術提取中草藥之抗痛風活性成分研究 (FYU1300-102-13) 校內補助案。
- 靜脈曲張之分子機轉研究 (AI-97010) 產學計畫案。
- 車前屬植物與相關純成分活性作用與分子機制之研究 (NSC97-2320-B-242-005-MY5) 國科會。
- 107學年度學生實務專題製作競賽佳作。
- 106學年度教師教學產出成果競賽教案類優等獎。
- 104學年度指導學生參加104職場軟實力簡報競賽佳作。
- 2014年生醫研發技術及實驗課程之教學助理特優。
- 2014年指導林易佳同學參加2014年台灣音樂大賽榮獲全國總決賽古典鋼琴青年組優等。
- 2013年第一屆全國基因廣角鏡徵文比賽-校園組特別獎。
- 2011 參加亞太醫檢學會榮獲亞太醫檢學會優秀論文。
- 101學年參與基本能力暨博雅涵養課程審查會議,經審查委員評定為優等課程。
- 98學年度專題生參加醫技研究方法比賽第三名。