周妙真|Chou, Miao-Chen
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周妙真|Chou, Miao-Chen
🎓 專任講師
👨🎓 國立成功大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 6211
📧 mt077@fy.edu.tw
📖 學術專長
- 國立成功大學微生物暨免疫學究所碩士(1994)
- 台北醫學大學醫學檢驗生物技術系學士(1992)
- 台灣動物科技研究所/病理生物系/助理研究員
- 行政院/國科會/兼任研究助理
- 國立成功大學/微生物暨免疫學究所/微生物學實驗教學助理
- 免疫學
- 臨床血清免疫檢驗學
- 醫事檢驗
- 細胞培養等技術
- 2019 年全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展. 中草藥提取物-神奇之樺褐孔菌屬多醣對感染的秀麗引桿線蟲具有延長壽命之功效--陳虹君, 李明蓁, 林家君.
- 107學年度專題:阿斯匹靈誘導原發性滲出性淋巴瘤細胞死亡機制之研究--林潔如
- 107學年度專題:內質網壓力對人類?疹病毒第八型 vBcl-2 調控病毒複製之影響--黃子凌
- 106學年度專題:多酚類調控原發性積液淋巴瘤細胞代謝路徑之研究--葉玲君
- 106學年度專題:人類?疹病毒第八型 vBcl-2 增加病毒複製並誘導內質網壓力--柯品如
- 106學年度專題:Carbamazepine 對 RAW 細胞的影響與利用 GC-MS 分析 Carbamazepine--曾凱威、陳偉曦、游子弘
- 105學年度專題:Resveratrol Induces Cell Senescence and Metabolic Perturbation in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells—李憶萱
- 104學年度專題:細胞蛋白熱休克因子調控人類?疹病毒第八型病毒之再活化-彭孝慈
- 104學年度專題:人類?疹病毒第八型vBcl-2誘導對內質網壓力相關基因之表現-楊中銓
- 103學年度專題: 細胞蛋白熱休克因子1可調控人類?疹病毒第八型病毒之感染-陳冠錡
- 103學年度專題:多酚類藥物對人類?疹病毒第八型之影響-陳誼欣
- 101學年度專題: 黎蘆醇於人類?疹病毒第八型相關腫瘤PEL細胞誘導凋亡與自噬-洪妡
- 行政院衛生署醫事檢驗師
- Epigallocatechin-3-gallate downregulates PDHA1 interfering the metabolic p Ling-Chun Yeh , Huey-Wen Shyu , Yi-Ru Jin , Yee-Hsuan Chiou , Kuan-Hua Lin , Miao-Chen Chou , Mei-Han Huang , Yi-Fen Wang (⊠), 2020, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate downregulates PDHA1 interfering the metabolic pathways in human herpesvirus 8 harboring primary effusion lymphoma cells. Toxicology in Vitro 65(2020)104753
- Kuan-Hua Lin, Chung-Cheng Lo, Miao-Chen Chou, Tzu-Hui Yeh, Kai-Lin Chen1 Wan-Yu Liao, and Horng-Ren Lo, 2019, Synergistic Actions of Benzyl Isothiocyanate with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid and Efflux Pump Inhibitor Phenylalanine-Arginine b-Naphthylamide Against Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli. MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE DOI: 10.1089/mdr.2019.0118 (SCI).
- Ching-Yi Tsai, Chang-Yu Chen, Yee-Hsuan Chiou, Huey-Wen Shyu, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Mei-Han Huang, Yi-Fen Wang (⊠), 2017, Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Suppresses Human Herpesvirus 8 Replication and Induces ROS Leading to Apoptosis and Autophagy in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. International journal of molecular sciences. 2017 Dec 21;19(1). pii: E16. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010016. (SCI).
- Ching-Yi Tsai, Chang-Yu Chen, Yee-Hsuan Chiou, Huey-Wen Shyu, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Mei-Han Huang, Yi-Fen Wang (?), 2017,
- Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Suppresses Human Herpesvirus 8 Replication and Induces ROS Leading to Apoptosis and Autophagy in Primary Effusion
- Lymphoma Cells. International journal of molecular sciences. 2017 Dec 21;19(1). pii: E16. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010016. (SCI).
- Feng-Yi Tang, Chang-Yu Chen, Huey-Wen Shyu, Shin Hong, Hung-Ming Chen, Yee-Hsuan Chiou, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Lin-Yu Wang, Yi-Fen Wang (?), 2015, Resveratrol induces cell death and inhibits human herpesvirus 8 replication in primary effusion lymphoma cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 242:372-379. (SCI).
- Soong-Yu Kuo, Miao-Chen Chou, Shin-Luen Lee, YuWang, Chun-Liang Chen, Pei-Ting Lin, Horng-Ren Lo (?), 2015, Vibrio vulnificus RtxA1 modulated calcium flux contributes reduced internalization in phagocytes. Life Sciences, 132, 55–60.(SCI)
- Yi-Fen Wang (?) , Yee-Hsuan Chiou, Lin-YuWang, Su-Ting Chang, Huey-Wen Shyu, Chang-Yu Chen, Kuan-Hua Lin, and Miao-Chen Chou, 2012, Cisplatin
- Disrupts the Latency of Human Herpesvirus 8 and Induces Apoptosis in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. Cancer Investigation, 30(4):268-74. (SCI).
- Yi-Fen Wang, Huey-Wen Shyu, Yi-Chuang Chang, Wei-Chang Tseng, Yeou-Lih Huang, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou, Heng-Ling Liu, Chang-Yu Chen, 2012, Nickel (II)-induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in human proximal tubule cells through a ROS- and mitochondria-mediated pathway. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 259, 177–186. (SCI).
- Shyu HW, Lin YY, Chen LC, Wang YF, Yeh TM, Su SJ, Cheng WC, Chen CY, Lin KH, Chou MC, 2010, The dengue virus envelope protein induced PAI-1 gene expression via MEK/ERK pathways. Thromb Haemost, 104(6):1219-27. (SCI).
- Wang YF (?), Wang LY, Li YL, Shyu HW, Chiou YH, Chou MC, Lin KH, Tai MH, Chen CY, 2010, Human herpesvirus 8 viral FLICE-inhibitory protein retards cell proliferation via downregulation of Id2 and Id3 expression.. Mol Cell Biochem, 343:83–89. (SCI).
- Chen LC, Yeh TM, Lin YY, Wang YF, Su SJ, Chen CY, Lin KH, Chou MC, Shyu HW, 2010, The envelope glycoprotein domain III of Dengue virus type 2 induced the expression of anticoagulant molecules in endothelial cells.. Mol Cell Biochem, 342:215–221. (SCI).
- Chen CY, Lin TK, Chang YC, Wang YF, Shyu HW, Lin KH, Chou MC, 2010, Nickel(II)-induced oxidative stress, apoptosis, G2/M arrest, and genotoxicity in normal rat kidney cells.. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 73: 339-349. (SCI).
- Chieh-Yu Chang, Che-Yu Wu, Miao-Chen Chou, Tzu-Hui Yeh. Distribution of RND efflux pump genes in Aeromonas hydrophila environmental isolates. (2021)第25屆細菌學研討會.
- Tzu-Hui Yeh, Chieh-Yu Chang, Che-Yu Wu, Miao-Chen Chou. Distribution of RND efflux pump genes in Aeromonas hydrophila environmental isolates (2021)第25屆細菌學研討會.
- Miao-Chen Chou , Mei-Han Huang, Kuan-Hua Lin. Education technology optimizes of teaching effectiveness of parasitology. (2020)社團法人台灣醫事檢驗學會
- Lo Chung-Cheng, Lo Tsai-Jie, Tsai Min-Chiun, Lo Horng-Ren, Chou Miao-Chen, Lin Guan-Hua ,Chen Ying-Hsuan. Protective effects of Inonotus sp. crude polysaccharide extract on Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 infection of Caenorhabditis elegans (2020)海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第20屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議
- Mei-Han Huang , Wei-Hsi Chen, Bo-Han Tseng, Yi-Ching Lee, Yi-Fen Wang, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou. Evaluation drugs -- Amphetamine, Methamphetamine and its derivative, 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by Gas Chromatography -Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) (2018)第十屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會.
- Bo-Han Tseng, Wei-Hsi Chen, Yi-Ching Lee, Yi-Fen Wang, Mei-Han Huang, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou . Evaluation codeine and its main metabolite norcodeine by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the effects of morphine on LoVo cell. (2018)第十屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會.
- Kai-Wei Zeng, Wei-Hsi Chen, Yi-Fen Wang, Horng-Ren Lo, Chang-Yu Chen, Mei-Han Huang, Kuan-Hua Lin, Miao-Chen Chou. Evaluation carbamazepineby gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and the effects of carbamazepineon RAW cell. (2017)醫檢學會.
- Wei-Chi Tsai, Meei Shure Kuo , Miao-Chen Chou, Kuan-Hua Lin, Chang-Yu Chen, Huey-Wen Shyu, Yi-Syuan Lee& Yi-Fen Wang*. Advanced Glycation End
- Products Induce Human Herpevirus 8 Reactivation in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. (2017)第32屆生物醫學聯合學術年會.
- Yi-Syuan Lee, Feng-Yi Tang, Chang-Yu Chen, Huey-Wen Shyu, Wei-Chi Tsai, Miao-Chen Chou, Mei-Han Huang& Yi-Fen Wang* Resveratrol Induces Cell
- Senescence and Metabolic Perturbation in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. (2017)第32屆生物醫學聯合學術年會.
- K.C. Chen, C.Y. Chen, H.W. Shyu, L.Y. Wang, K.H. Lin, M.C. Chou & Y.F. Wang* Heat shock factor 1 is critical for human herpesvirus 8 infection, (2015) The 30th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.
- S. Hong, F.Y. Tang, H.W. Shyu, C.Y. Chen, C.Y. Tsai, L.Y. Wang, M.C. Chou & Y.F. Wang* Resveratrol Induces Apoptosis and Autophagy in HHV8 Harboring Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells (2013) The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.
- C.Y. Tsai, C.Y. Chen, H.W. Shyu, K.H. Lin, M.C. Chou & Y.F. Wang* Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Induces Cell Death and Reduces HHV8 Viral Replication in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. (2013) The 28th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science.
- Y.F. Wang*, C.Y. Tsai, C.Y. Chen, H.W. Shyu & M.C. Chou Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Induces Cell Death in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells. (2013), Cold Spring Harbor Asian Conference: Mechanisms and functions of non-apoptotic cell death.
- 真菌多醣對秀麗隱桿線蟲於細菌感染之保護效果. 2019 高雄榮民總醫院頻東分院(協同研究人員)
- The effects of advanced glycation end products on human herpevirus 8 replication, 2015 天主教聖功醫療財團法人聖功醫院 (共同主持人)
- 創傷弧菌莢膜相關基因之活性探討(FYU1300-101-10), 2012輔英科技大學(共同主持人)
- 輔英科技大學108學年度優良教師獎(輔導優良獎)
- 輔英科技大學108學年度績優導師
- 輔英科技大學107學年度績優導師
- 輔英科技大學107學年度上學期教學評量績優課程(免疫學(一))
- 輔英科技大學107學年度優良教師獎(教學優良獎)
- 輔英科技大學106學年度下學期教學評量績優課程(臨床血清免疫檢驗學)
- 輔英科技大學106學年度績優導師
- 輔英科技大學105學年度績優導師
- 輔英科技大學104學年度績優導師
- 輔英科技大學103學年度教師教材編纂獎勵優等獎(2014/9/29)
- 第四屆學生實務專題製作競賽佳作指導老師: 多酚類藥物對人類皰疹病毒第八型之影響,陳誼欣、陳冠錡(2015/5/28)