陳志良|Chern, Chi-Liang
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陳志良|Chern, Chi-Liang
🎓 專任副教授
👨🎓 國立中山大學
📞 07-7811151 轉 5411
📧 mt115@fy.edu.tw
📖 學術專長
- 國立中山大學生物科技系博士
- 高雄醫學大學基礎醫學研究所碩士
- 高雄醫學大學醫學檢驗生物技術系學士
- 阮綜合醫院醫檢師
- 輔英科技大學醫學檢驗生物技術系助理教授
- 輔英科技大學醫學檢驗生物技術系副教授
- 抗癌
- 抗發炎藥物研發
- 質譜分析
- 纖孔菌屬粗多醣對人類單核球細胞株生長抑制效應之探討
- 新日本靈芝對RBL-2H3肥大細胞活化抑制效應之探討
- 纖孔菌水萃多醣對小鼠RAW 264.7巨噬細胞的免疫調節
- 新日本靈芝水萃物抑制RANKL誘發RAW264.7小鼠巨噬細胞分化成蝕骨細胞的效應
- 醫事檢驗師證照(檢字第 008167 號)
- 有機溶劑作業主管安全衛生教育訓練證照(勞安管有機字第 18224 號)
- 現場安全衛生監督人員訓練結業證書(中訓証字第 4260007 號)
- Kun-Goung Lai, Chi-Fen Chen, Chun-Te Ho, Jun-Jen Liu, Tsan-Zon Liu* and Chi-Liang Chern*. Novel roles of folic acid as redox regulator: modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) sinker proteins expression and maintenance of mitochondrial redox homeostasis on hepatocellular carcinoma. Tumor biology. 2017; 39(6):1-10.
- Sheng-Hua Wu , Yu-Ting Lin, Chi-Liang Chern, Shin-Yi Ke. Inonotus taiwanensis sp. nov. (Basidiomycota) from Taiwan. (Short communication) Mycoscience. 2018, 59, 325-330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.myc.2017.07.003
- Tsai-Ling Chao, Ting-Yin Wang, Chin-Huei Lee, Shuenn-Jiun Yiin, Chun-Te Ho, Sheng-Hua Wu, Huey-Ling You, Chi-Liang Chern*. Anti-Cancerous Effect of Inonotus taiwanensis Polysaccharide Extract on Human Acute Monocytic Leukemia Cells through ROS-Independent Intrinsic Mitochondrial Pathway. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, 393-405.
- Li-Ching Lin, Chi-Fen Chen, Chun-Te Ho, Jun-Jen Liu, Tsan-Zon Liu*, Chi-Liang Chern*. γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase (γ-GCS) as a Target for Overcoming Chemo- and Radio-resistance of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells. Life Sciences. 2018, 198:25-31.
- Immunomodulatory activity of polysaccharides from Inonotus Taiwanensis (2020/02). The 17th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cellular and molecular Biology, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Ting-Yin Wang, Tsai-Ling Chao, Sheng-Hua Wu, Shuenn-Jium Yiin, Huey-Ling You, Chi-Liang Chern (2016/03) Crude polysaccharide from Inonotus sp. induces apoptosis in human monocytic leukemia cells. The 31th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin-yen Lan, Sen-Ting Huang, Shuenn-Jium Yiin, Wei-ching Lo, Chi-Liang Chern (2017/03) Inhibitory Effect of Ganoderma neojaponicum on RBL-2H3 Mast Cell Degranulation. The 32th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsai-Ling Chao, Shuenn-Jium Yiin, Sheng-Hua Wu, Huey-Ling You, Chi-Liang Chern (2017/03) Polysaccharide from Inonotus sp. Induces Apoptosis in Human Monocytic Leukemia Cell through Mitochondria-Dependent Signaling Pathways. The 32th Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chin-Huei Lee, Hai-Wei Chen, Jiin-Tsuey Cheng, and Chi-Liang Chern, Inhibitory effect of Ganoderma neojaponicum water extract on osteoclast differentiation via up-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 and down-regulation of NFATc1 expression. (2017/11) The 30th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 探討纖孔菌多醣對RAW 264.7吞噬細胞免疫調控機制 (YUAN-產學 19-04 ; 2019/1/1-2019/12/31)
- 纖孔菌水萃粗多醣的純化及免疫調控活性評估(YUAN-產學18-01; 2018/1/1-2018/12/31)
- 新日本靈芝對細菌脂多醣誘發巨噬細胞一氧化氮生成抑制效應探討 (高雄榮民總醫院屏東分院; 2017/1/1-2017/12/31)
- 數位學習教材設計與應用評估:以「臨床血液檢驗學實驗」課程為例 (大專校院教學實踐研究計畫; 2018/8/1-2019/7/31)
- 運用資訊科技提升醫學檢驗生物技術系學生臨床血液檢驗專業之教學方案(大專校院教學實踐研究計畫; 2019/8/1-2020/7/31)