林清江|Lin, Ching-Chiang
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林清江|Lin, Ching-Chiang
🎓 專任教授兼輔英附醫教研部主任
👨🎓 高雄醫學大學
📞 08-8323146 轉 3281
📧 1200105@fy.org.tw
📖 學術專長
- 高雄醫學大學醫學研究所博士
- 高雄醫學大學醫學研究所碩士
- 中山醫學院醫事技術學系學士
- 輔英科技大學醫學檢驗生物技術系講師、助理教授、副教授
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院教學研究部主任
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院檢驗醫學部主任
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院企劃室副主任、主任
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院人體試驗委員會委員、主任委員
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院醫學教育委員會委員、主任委員
- 輔英科技大學附設醫院檢驗科主任
- 財團法人仁愛綜合醫院檢驗科組長
- 國立成功大學附設醫院病理部醫事檢驗師
- 臨床醫事檢驗
- 微量元素分析
- 德國麻疹疫苗研究
- 108學年度碩士論文: 台灣地區懷孕婦女的德國麻疹抗體陽性率與IgG 濃度分析,林美婷
- 106學年度專題: 孕婦B群鏈球菌感染率分析,羅怡蓁
- 104學年度碩士論文: 醫院員工健康分析研究,劉筠微。
- 103學年度專題: 教學醫院健檢中心老人暨照護人員手機生物檢測與分析,程莉茵、黃佩雯。
- 103學年度專題: 醫院員工健康分析研究,劉筠微。
- 103學年度專題: 運用作業基礎成本制分析醫學檢驗項目成本,馮蜜珊、戴詣唐、凃叡奇、柯仁偉、李逸成。
- 102學年度碩士論文:牛蒡複方微米精華液輔助幽門螺旋桿菌感染之胃潰瘍患者之治療效果評估,劉雪嬌。
- 醫事檢驗師
- Wan-Ju Kung, Hsin-Yi Kuo, Ching-Feng Chang, Yeong-Hwa Zen, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Investigation and comparison of maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index coupled with gestational weight gain on maternal-fetal complications based on US and Chinese guidelines: A retrospective study. Reproductive sciences. 2024 Aug;31(8):2379-2391. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Wan-Ju Kung, Hsin-Yi Kuo, Chien-Hung Lee, Yeong-Hwa Zen, Li-Chin Kong, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Association between gestational abnormal glucose tolerance and maternal-fetal outcomes. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2022 Oct: 48(10): 2505-2513. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Chien-Hua Chiang, Wan-Ju Kung, Chien-Hung Lee, Yeong-Hwa Zen, Cheng-Fa Lee, Hui-Ru Yang, Ching-Chiang Lin*, Yeou-Lih Huang*. High levels of 25-OH-vitamin D and copper in pregnant women with abnormal glucose challenge test. Biological Trace Element Research. 2022 Jul;200(7):3060–3069. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- 林美婷、林清江*。接種兩劑MMR疫苗後之懷孕婦女德國麻疹抗體分析。台灣醫檢雜誌。2022 June;37(2):1–10. (*通訊作者)
- Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Mei-Ting Lin, Ya-Wen Cheng, Yung-Luen Shih, Ling-Yao Liu, Chiou-Huey Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Investigation of positivity rate for rubella antibodies and immunoglobulin G levels among pregnant women in Taiwan. Journal of Biomedical and Laboratory Science (in Chinese). 2022 March;34(1):20-30. (*Corresponding author)
- Cheng-Hue Wang, Wan-Ju Kung, Chien-Hung Lee, Cheng-Fa Lee, Chia-Ling Kao, Hui-Chi Chen, Ting-Wen Hsu, Ching-Chiang Lin*. High rates of colonization and antimicrobial resistance of group B streptococcus highlight the need for vaccination even after implementation of guidelines for intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis. Vaccine. 2022 Jan;40(2):282–287. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Ming-Feng Tseng, Stella Chin-Shaw Tsai, Chien-Yuan Wu, Ching-Chiang Lin, Ruey-Hong Wong. The effectiveness of betel quid cessation among workers through the adoption of the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter. Substance Use & Misuse. 2021 Mar;56(5):718-727. [SCI]
- Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Tang Shih, Yung-Luen Shih, Ling-Yao Liu, Chiou-Huey Wang, Ya-Wen Cheng, Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Faster waning of the rubella specific immune response in young pregnant women immunized with MMR at 15 months. American Journal of reproductive immunology. 2020 Oct;84(4):e13294. [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Ching-Tang Shih, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Ching-Chiang Lin, Lin-Yu Yang, Chih-Po Chiang. Akkermansia muciniphila is negatively correlated with hemoglobin A1c in refractory diabetes. Microorganisms. 2020 Sep;8(9):1360 [SCI]
- Ben-Chin Yuan, Yao-Tsung Yeh, Ching-Chiang Lin, Cheng-Hsieh Huang, Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Chih-Po Chiang. Clinical detection of chronic rhinosinusitis through next-generation sequencing of the oral microbiota. Microorganisms. 2020 Jun;8(6):959 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Tang Shih, Chien-Hung Lee, Ming-Kun Ku, Yeou-Lih Huang*. Seroepidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection in native and immigrant pregnant women: A 20-year retrospective study in Taiwan. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2019 Oct;101(4):899–904 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Tang Shih, Chien-Hung Lee, Yeou-Lih Huang*. Changes in trace elements during early stages of chronic kidney disease in type 2 diabetic patients. Biological Trace Element Research. 2018 Dec;186(2):330-336 [SCI]
- Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Tang Shih, Chien-Hung Lee, Ching-Chiang Lin*. The divalent elements changes in early stages of chronic kidney disease. Biological Trace Element Research. 2018 Sep;185(1):30–35 [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Shih-Hui Huang, Ken-Pen Weng, Ching-Chiang Lin, Chung-Cheng Wang, Charles Tzu-Chi Lee, Luo-Ping Ger, Ming-Tsang Wu. Maternal and Umbilical Cord Blood Levels of Mercury, Manganese, Iron, and Copper in Southern Taiwan: a Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2017 Jul;80(7):442–451 [SCI]
- Shih-Hui Huang, Ken-Pen Weng, Luo-Ping Ger, Huei Han Liou, Ching-Chiang Lin, Chung-Cheng Wang, Charles Tzu-Chi Lee, Ming-Tsang Wu. The influence of seafood and vitamin supplementation on maternal and umbilical cord blood mercury concentration. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2017 May;80:307–312 [SCI]
- Yeong-Hwa Zen, Ching-Tang Shih, Wan-Ju Kung, Chien-Hung Lee, Ching-Chiang Lin* Rubella immunity in pregnant native Taiwanese and immigrants from Asian countries. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 2017 Feb;96:411–414 [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Keng-Chang Hsu, Pi-Fu Hsu, Chih-Chang Hung, Chien-Hua Jiang, Shiuh-Jen Jiang, Ching-Chiang Lin, Yeou-Lih Huang*. Microfluidic desorption-free magnetic solid phase extraction of mercury(II) from biological samples using cysteine-coated gold-magnetite core-shell nanoparticles prior to its quantitation by ICP-MS. Talanta. 2017 Jan;162:523–529 [SCI]
- Bin-Guang Su, Shao-Fen Chen, Shu-Hsing Yeh, Po-Wen Shih, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Cost Evaluation of Clinical Laboratory in Taiwan’s National Health System by Using Activity-Based Costing. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. 2016 Nov;54(11):1753–1758 [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Yao-Tsung Yeh, Yen-Nien Hsu, Sheng-Yun Huang, Jian-Sheng Lin, Zi-Feng Chen, Nan-Haw Chow, Shu-Hui Su, Huey-Wen Shyu, Ching-Chiang Lin, Wu-Tein Huang, Hua Yeh, Yu-chia Chih, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Shu-Jem Su. Benzyl isothiocyanate promotes apoptosis of oral cancer cells via an acute redox stress-mediated DNA damage response. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2016 Sep;97:336–345 [SCI]
- Ching-Tang Shih, Yuan-Chun Chang, Huey-Lan Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Comparing the rubella seronegativity in pregnant women who received one dose of rubella vaccine at different ages in Taiwan. Vaccine. 2016 Sep;34(40):4787–4791 [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Guey-Ju Tsweng, Cheng-Fa Lee, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Yeou-Lih Huang *. Magnesium, zinc, and chromium levels in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes. Clinical Nutrition. 2016 Aug;35(4):880–884 [SCI] (First author)
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Yeou-Lih Huang*. Chromium, zinc and magnesium status in type 1 diabetes. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2015 Nov;18:588–592 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Hsiu-Hua Huang, Chiung-Wen Hu, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Inn-Wen Chong, Yu-Ying Chao, Yeou-Lih Huang. Trace elements, oxidative stress and glycemic control in young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. 2014 Jan;28:18–22 [SCI]
- Ching-Tang Shih, Ying-Ling Shiu, Chiou-An Chen, Hsin-Yu Lin, Yeou-Lih Huang, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Changes in levels of copper, iron, zinc, and selenium in patients at different stages of chronic kidney disease. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences. 2012 Dec;4:128–130 (*Corresponding author)
- Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Ming-Kun Ku, Fu-Yen Chung, Ching-Chiang Lin, Shiu-Ru Lin. Effectiveness of great burdock essence compounds in the adjuvant treatment of gastric ulcer patients infected with Helicobacter pylori. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences. 2012 Sep;4:81–84
- Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Chiang Lin, Shiu-Ru Lin. Development of mini-Sep for nucleated cell purification and isolation. Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences. 2012 Mar;4:68–69
- Ching-Tang Shih, Ching-Chiang Lin, Chung-Ching Lu. Evaluation of a Streptococcal Pharyngitis Score in Southern Taiwan. Pediatrics and Neonatology 2012 Feb;53(1):49–54 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Chun-Yuh Yang, Yung-Luen Shih, Yang-Yang Huang, Tsung-Han Yang, Jin-Yuan Liang, Chu-Fen Chang, Hsiu-Shu Hsieh, and Yeou-Lih Huang. Persistence and Titer Changes of Rubella Virus Antibodies in Primiparous Women Who Had Been Vaccinated with Strain RA 27/3 in Junior High School. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 2012 Jan;19(1):1–4 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Chun-Yuh Yang, Ching-Tang Shih, Bai-Hsiun Chen, and Yeou-Lih Huang*. Waning immunity and booster responses in nursing and medical technology students who had received plasma-derived or recombinant hepatitis B vaccine during infancy. American Journal of Infection Control. 2011 June;39(5)408–414 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Chun-Yuh Yang, Yung-Luen Shih, Hui-Wen Hsug, Tsung-Han Yang, Ya-Wen Cheng, Chu-Fen Chang, Li-Chih Hsieh, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Chien-Hung Lee, and Yeou-Lih Huang*. Rubella seroepidemiology and estimations of the catch-up immunization rate and persistence of antibody titers in pregnant women in Taiwan. BJOG- International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2011 May; 118(6):706–712. [SCI]
- 謝秀束、謝麗質、李文生、許巧蕙、歐聰億、林春梅、許淳森、林清江*。五專護理學生B型肝炎表面抗原與抗體盛行率調查研究;感染控制雜誌。 2010 Oct:20(5);282–290 (通訊作者)
- Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Chiang Lin, Shyh-Hwa Liu, and Hso-Chi Chaung, Association of interleukin-10 polymorphisms with cytokines in type 2 diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes Technology& Therapeutics. 2010 Oct;12(10):809–813. [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Chun-Yuh Yang, Ching-Tang Shih, Bai-Hsiun Chen, and Yeou-Lih Huang*. Rubella Seroepidemiology and Catch-up Immunization among Pregnant Women in Taiwan: Comparison between Women Born in Taiwan and Immigrants from Six Asian Countries. American Journal of Tropical medicine and Hygiene. 2010 Jan;82:40–44. [SCI]
- Meng-Yan Wu, Yu-Shan Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin, Dong-Liang Lin, Lien-Wen Su, Mei-Han Huang* and Ray H. Liu* An empirical study on the selection of analytes and corresponding cutoffs for immunoassay and GC–MS in a two-step test strategy—buprenorphine example. Analyst. 2009 Sep;134: 1848–1856 [SCI]
- Chih-Hung Wu, Shu-Ching Yang, Yu-Shan Wang, Bud-Gen Chen, Ching-Chiang Lin*, Ray H. Liu*. Evaluation of various derivatization approaches for gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of buprenorphine and norbuprenorphine. Journal of Chromatography A, 2008 Feb;1182 (2) 93–112 [SCI] (*Corresponding author)
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Hsiu-Shu Hsieh, Yu-Jie Huang, Yeou-Lih Huang, Ming-Kun Ku, Hsin-Chia Hung*. Hepatitis B virus Infection among Pregnant Women in Taiwan: Comparison between Women Born in Taiwan and Other Southeast Countries. BMC Public Health, 2008 Feb;8:49 1–7 [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Chen-Kang Chang, Yeou-Lih Huang, Hung-Fu Tseng*. Low seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antibody among nursing students in Taiwan: an implication for boosting. Vaccine. 2007 Dec; 25(51):8508–8011[SCI]
- Chih-Hung Wu, Mei-Han Huang, Sheng-Meng Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin, Ray H. Liu*. Gas chromatograpgy-mass spectrometry analysis of ketamine and its metabolites-A comparative study on the utilization of different derivatization groups. Journal of Chromatography A. 2007 Jul;1157(1-2):336–351 [SCI]
- Chen-Kang Chang, Hsiu-Fen Tan, Hung Fu Tseng, Ching-Chiang Lin. Analysis of factors associated with varicella-zoster virus susceptibility among children 0-12 years old in Taiwan. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses. 2007 Apr;37(4):222–228. [SCI]
- Min-Tzu Chen, Guan-Wen Cheng, Ching-Chiang Lin, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Yeou-Lih Huang. Effects of Acute Manganese Chloride Exposure on Lipid Peroxidation and Alteration of Trace Metals in Rat Brain. Biological Trace Element Research 2006 May;110(2):163–178. [SCI]
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Jee-Fu Huang, Li-Yu Tsai and Yeou-Lih Huang. Selenium, iron, copper, zinc levels and copper-to-zinc ratios in serum of patients at different stages of viral hepatic diseases. Biological Trace Element Research 2006 Jan;109(1):15–23. [SCI]
- 李靜慧、林清江、吳麗娟、林瑞生。利用微晶體鏡檢法檢驗金屬離子和非金屬離子。中山醫學雜誌 1990 Jan;1:20-26
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Cheng-Hue Wang, Wan-Ju Kung. Maternal and their neonatal infection statuses of group B streptococcus after universal GBS screening program in Taiwan. 2021年台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文). Nov 06, 2021; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Kun-Hsiung Kuo, Yu-Ying Li, Tai-An Chiang. Changes of trace elements involved in glucose homeostasis from second trimester of pregnancy to postpartum. 2020海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第20屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Dec 05-06, 2020; Taichung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Wan-Ju Kung, Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Hung-Yuan Chi, Ko-Chuan Wang. High serum iron levels and Iron/Zinc ratios are early risk markers for diabetes in women with abnormal glucose challenge test. 2019「第十四屆華人檢驗醫學學術研討會暨 年會學術發表會」(海報論文). Nov 02-03, 2019; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Yung-Leun Shih, Chiou-Huey Wang, Ling-Yao Liu, Ya-Wen Cheng. Comparison of rubella seroepidemiology in pregnant women who received one or two doses of rubella-containing vaccine at early childhood. 2019 第十一屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 27-28, 2019; Taichung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, I-Chen Lo, Ching-Hui Wang, Hsueh-Chiao Liu. Colonization rate of group B streptococcus in native and immigrant pregnant women. 2018年台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文). Nov 03-04, 2018; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Tang Shih, Yeou-Lih Huang. Changes in hepatitis B virus infection in immigrants and native pregnant women in Taiwan. 2018 33rd world congress of biomedical laboratory science (poster). Sep 22-26, 2018; Florence, Italy
- Ching-Chiang Lin, I-Chen Lo. Comparing the rubella seronegativity in primiparous women who received one or two doses of rubella-containing vaccine at younger ages. 2018 第十屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 04-05, 2018; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Hui Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin, Wan-Yu Liao, Shin-Luen Lee, Kuan-Hua Lin, Horng-Ren Lo*. RND-type efflux pumps in multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Aeromonas. 2017 20th International congress of chemotherapy and infection (poster). Nov 25-26, 2017; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Hui Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin, Wan-Yu Liao, Shin-Luen Lee, Kuan-Hua Lin, Horng-Ren Lo*. Efflux pumps in multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Aeromonas. 2017年台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文). Nov 04-05, 2017; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Wan-Ju Kung, Hsueh-Chiao Liu, Ching-Tang Shih. A twenty-year retrospective study of hepatitis B infection in immigrant women in Taiwan. 2017年台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文). Nov 04-05, 2017; Taipei, Taiwan
- Wan-Ju Kung, Bing-Xun Zhong, Ching-Hui Wang, Sheng-Ho Liu, Pei-Fen Wu, Hsin-Yu Lin, Ben-Chih Yuan, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Using Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (HFMEA) Method to Improve Laboratory Workflow. 2016年第十四屆亞太臨床生化及檢驗醫學大會暨台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文). Nov 26-27, 2016; Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Tang Shih. Comparing rubella susceptibility in Taiwanese and immigrant women. 2016年第十四屆亞太臨床生化及檢驗醫學大會暨台灣醫事檢驗學會會員(代表)大會暨學術發表會(海報論文) . Nov 26-27, 2016; Taipei, Taiwan
- Pei-Fen Wu , Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Hui Wang , Wan-Ju Kung*. Evaluation of HBsAg test positive result of repeated testing using ARCHITECT. 2016海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第16屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 22-23, 2016; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Yuan-Chun Chang. Comparing the prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection among native and immigrant pregnant women. 2016海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第16屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 22-23, 2016; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ya-Ping Wu, Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Hui Wang ,Hui-Fang Zheng , Yan-Jun Liu, Yi-Ling Wu, Ting-Yu Chen, Pei-Jiun Yao, Chih-Kung Lee, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Decreasing the Blood Culture Contamination Rate by Quality Control Circle. 2016海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第16屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 22-23, 2016; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ching-Tang Shih, Yuan-Chun Chang. Rubella immunity among pregnant women in Taiwan, 1999-2014. The 32th world congress of biomedical laboratory science (poster). Aug 31-Sep 04, 2016; Kobe, Japan.
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Guey-Ju Tsweng, Yeou-Lih Huang. Trace element levels in type 1 diabetes patients. The 32th world congress of biomedical laboratory science (poster). Aug 31-Sep 04, 2016; Kobe, Japan.
- Chao-Ying Yang, Shih-Hui Huang, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Bacteria flora on mobile phones of comparison between health care workers and no health care workers before and after disinfection in the long-term care institutes. 2016 International Healthcare Conference Focusing on Simulation-Based Learning (2016健康照護國際研討會)(poster). Apr 22-23, 2016; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Yuan-Chun Chang, Yun-Wei Liu, Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Seroprevalence of syphilis, HBV, and rubella in pregnant women. 2015第七屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 11-12, 2015; Tainan, Taiwan
- Hsiao-Chun Hao, Yun-Wei Liu, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Investigate the prevalence of kidney disease and its risk factors of the freshmen of one college. 2015第七屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 11-12, 2015; Tainan, Taiwan
- Hsiao-Chun Hao, Yun-Wei Liu, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Evaluate the different equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate in the prevalence of kidney disease. 2015第七屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 11-12, 2015; Tainan, Taiwan
- Hsiao-Chun Hao, Cheng-Ho Liu, Chia-Lin Chang, Hui-Fang Zheng, Pao-Hsiu Liu, Hsin-Yu Lin, Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Decreasing the TAT rate of clinical laboratory reports by QCC activity. 2015第七屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文) . Apr 11-12, 2015; Tainan, Taiwan
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Tang Shih, Huang Yeou-Lih*. Trace elements related to oxidative stress in patients with chronic kidney diseases. 2015第七屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文) . Apr 11-12, 2015; Tainan, Taiwan
- Huang Shih-Hui, Yang Chao-Ying, Liu Hsueh-Chiao, Cheng Li-Yin, Huang Pei-Wen, Lin Ching-Chiang*. Comparing bacterial contamination of mobile phones of medical staff in hospital with that in nursing home. 2015 18th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholar (poster). Feb 5-6, 2015; Taipei, Taiwan
- Huang Shih-Hui, Cheng Li-Yin, Huang Pei-Wen, Yang Chao-Ying, Liu Hsueh-Chiao, Lin Ching-Chiang*. Bacteria contamination of health care worker’s mobile phones in nursing home. 2014海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第14屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Aug 23-24, 2014; Tainan, Taiwan
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Wan-Ju Kung, Ching-Tang Shih, Huang Yeou-Lih. The trends in change of trace elements in patients with different stages of chronic kidney disease. 2014海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第14屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Aug 23-24, 2014, Tainan, Taiwan
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Tsweng Guey-Ju, Lee Cheng-Fa, Huang Yeou-Lih. The levels of Diabetes related trace elements in type 1 diabetes patients. 2014海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第14屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Aug 23-24, 2014, Tainan, Taiwan
- 孔婉茹, 袁本治, 劉雪嬌, 林清江*. Using Team Resource Management (TRM) to improve the appropriate use of blood products. 2014年醫護與健康科技研討會(海報論文). May 30, 2014, Yilan, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Wan-Ju Kung, Hsiao-Chun Hao, Hsin-Yu Lin, Ching-Tang Shih, Yeou-Lih Huang. Trace elements in patients with early stage chronic kidney disease. 2013台灣醫事檢驗學會年會(海報論文). Nov 02-03, 2013; Taipei, Taiwan
- Tsuey-Bor Chu, Yu- Chen Chang, Mei-Yun Chien, Sui-Hua Hung, Meng-Jung Tsai, Chia-I Fang, Yen-Ching Hsieh, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Improve caring ability of Indonesian caregiver. 2013海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第13屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 26-27, 2013; Taichung, Taiwan
- Hui-Fang Zheng, Ching-Hui Wang, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Prevalence of Human papilloma virus and cervical Pap smear results in southern Taiwan. 102年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會(海報論文). Oct 19, 2013; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Wan-Ju Kung, Hsiao-Chun Hao, Hsin-Yu Lin , Ching-Tang Shih, Ching-Chiang Lin.* Serum copper/zinc ratio as a marker of oxidative stress in patients with chronic kidney disease. 102年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會(海報論文). Oct 19, 2013; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Hsiao-Chun Hao, Wan-Ju Kung , Ching-Chiang Lin*. Investigate the prevalence of kidney disease and its risk factors in adolescents. 102年台灣基因醫學暨生物標記學會暨基因醫學臨床應用研討會(海報論文) .Oct 19, 2013; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Hsiu-Hua Huang, Yeou-Lih Huang. Trace elements, oxidative stress and glycemic control in young people with type 1 diabetes mellitus. 5th International FESTEM Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals (poster), May 22-24,2013; Avignon, France
- Ya-Ping Wu, Ching-Hui Wang, Chih-Kung Lee, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Analysis of blood culture results at a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan. 2012海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第12屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 20-21, 2012; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- 劉盛和, 孔婉茹, 王靜慧, 張斯萍, 洪旭錦, 林芯羽, 林清江*. Reducing revision rate of medical test results by QCC activity. 2012海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第12屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文) Oct 20-21, 2012; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Ying-Ling Shiu, Ching-Tang Shih, Chiou-An Chen, Hsin-Yu Lin, Yeou-Lih Huang. Analysis of oxidative stress–related trace elements in patients with chronic kidney disease. 2012海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇暨第12屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流會議(海報論文). Oct 20-21, 2012; Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Hsiu-Hua Huang, Tsang-An Lu, Bai-Hsiun Chen, Yeou-Lih Huang. Imbalance of trace elements and elevated oxidative stress in patients with type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. 101年台灣基因醫學暨生物標暨學會年會大會暨基因標記記轉譯醫學應用研討會(海報論文). Jun 2-3, 2012; Tainan, Taiwan
- Hao Hsiao-Chun, Kung Wan-Ju, Tung Ting- Chen, Wu Ya-Ping, Zheng Hui-Fang, Lin Ching-Chiang*. Increasing satisfaction of clinical laboratory services by QCC activity. 2012第五屆亞太醫學檢驗科學國際研討會(海報論文). Apr 28-29, 2012; Taichung, Taiwan
- 李至恭, 張學文, 林清江. Isolation of Cryptococus Species and Tricosporon asahii from environment in Southern Taiwan. 2011台灣內科醫學會會員大會暨學術研講會(海報論文) Nov 26-27, Taipei, Taiwan
- Ching-Hui Wang, Sha-Ho Liu, Ssu-Ping Chang, Ya-Shi Chen, Pao-Hsiu Liu, Chia-Lin Chang, Hsin-Yu Lin, Ching-Chiang Lin*. Improving accuracy of critical results notification by QCC activity. 第十屆華人檢驗醫學學術研討會(海報論文), Nov 4-7, Taipei, Taiwan
- Wang Ching-Hui, Chang Chia-Lin, Lin Hsin-Yu, Liu Sha-Ho, Chang Ssu-Ping, Liu Pao-Hsiu, Chen Ya-Shi, Lin Ching-Chiang*. Reducing revision rate of test results by QCC activity. 2011海峽兩岸檢驗醫學論壇(海報論文), Sep 10-11, Taichung, Taiwan
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Cheng Ya-Wen, Liang Jin-Yuan, Yang Tsung-Han, Hsu Hui-Wen, Huang Yang-Yang, Tsui Ko-Chung, Tsai Ming-Song, Shih Yung-Luen, Chang Chu-Fen, Chen Yi-Lun, Tung Ting-Chen, Chen Ya-Shi, Yeh Ching-Shang, Huang Yeou-Lih Persistence and titer changes of rubella antibodies in pregnant women who had been vaccinated with RA 27/3 at junior high school age. 第十屆海峽兩岸檢驗醫學學術交流研討會, October 30~31, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
- C. Lin, Y. Huang, B. Chen Rubella seroepidemiology and estimations of the catch-up immunization rate and waning immunity in pregnant women in Taiwan. AACC annual meeting. July 25-29,2010, Anaheim, USA
- Chen-Hsueh Chen, Li-Chen Yen, Ching-Sheng Yeh, Hui-Jen Chang, Shiu-Ru Lin, Chan-Han Wu, Ching-Chiang Lin and Pei-Yin Yang. Molecular Factors Involved in Tumorigenesis of Breast Cancer. 3rd Asia-Pacific City Forum of Biomedical Laboratory Science (poster), May 01-02, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
- Shih-hui Huang, Chung-Cheng Wang, Ching -Chiang Lin, Ming-Tsang Wu, Ken-Pen Weng Prevalence of smoking exposiure and fisg consumption of pregnant women in south Taiwan. 第30屆工業衛生暨環境職業醫學國際學術研討會(海報論文), April 21~25, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Cheng Ya-Wen, Liang Jin-Yuan, Yang Tsung-Han, Hsu Hui-Wen, Huang Yang-Yang, Tsui Ko-Chung, Tsai Ming-Song, Shih Yung-Luen, Chang Chu-Fen, Chen Yi-Lun, Tung Ting-Chen, Chen Ya-Shi, Yeh Ching-Shang, Huang Yeou-Lih Seroepidemiology of Rubella antibodies among pregnant women after national immunization in Taiwan.台灣醫事檢驗學會九十八年度年會(海報論文),Nov.07-08, 2009;台北,台灣
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Shih Yung-Luen, HsuHui-Wen, Huang Yang-Yang, Tsui Ko-Chung, Tsai Ming-Song, Yang Tsung-Han, Cheng Ya-Wen, Liang Jin-Yuan, Chang Chu-Fen, Chen Yi-Lun, Tung Ting-Chen, Chen Ya-Shi, Yeh Ching-Shang, Huang Yeou-Lih Rates of Catch-up immunization among pregnant women in Taiwan after national immunization: Comparison between four cities. 台灣醫事檢驗學會九十八年度年會(海報論文),Nov.07-08, 2009;台北,台灣
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Yeou-Lih Huang, Ching-Tang Shihe Differences in waning immunity and booster responses in adolescents vaccinated with the plasma-derived or recombinant hepatitis B vaccine 16 years ago. Vaccine third global congress(poster). October 4-9, 2009; Singapore.
- Ching-Chiang Lin, yu-tingn Lee, Yeou-Lih Huang. Seroprevalence of rubella antibodies and booster vaccination status among indigenous and immigrant pregnant women in Taiwan. The 28th world congress of biomedical laboratory science. New Dehli,India.August24-29, 2008; poster (International federation of biomedical laboratory science)
- 孔婉茹、林清江、莊秀琪 台灣南部糖尿性腎病變患者TNF-α與IL-10基因多樣性之相關性分析. 中華民國醫事檢驗學會九十六年度年會(海報論文),Nov.10-11, 2007;,台北,台灣
- Lin Ching-Chiang (林清江), Liu Hsueh-chiao (劉雪嬌), Yang Shu-chun (楊淑君), Hao Hsiao-chun (郝曉君), Huang Yeou-Lih (黃友利) 全國性B型肝炎疫苗注射後五專護理新生的B型肝炎表面抗原及抗體盛行率分析. 中華民國醫事檢驗學會九十六年度年會海報論文Nov.10-11, 2007;台北,台灣
- Ching-Chiang Lin, Hsiu-shu Hsieh, Min-Tzu Chen, Hsin-Chia Hung. Age specific prevalence of hepatitis s antigen and hepatitis e antigen in pregnant women from southern Taiwan and other South East Asian countries. The 27th world congress of biomedical laboratory science. September 15-19, 2006; Seoul, Korea. poster (International federation of biomedical laboratory science)
- Hsin-Chia Hung, Dr.PH, Chin-Chiang Lin, MS, Hsiu-Shu Hsieh, MS, Min-Tzu Chen, Ph.D., Mei-Ching Chiu, MS. Prevalence of Hepatitis B s-Antigen and Hepatitis B e-Antigen in pregnant women born in Taiwan and other South East Asia countries. Annual Research Meeting of Academy Health. Seattle WA, June 25-27, 2006; poster
- H F Tan, H F Tseng, C C Lin. Seroepidemiology study of rubella IgG antibodies among pregnant women from seven asian countries. The 37th annual meeting of the society for epidemiologic research. Salt Lake city, Ulta, U.S.A June 15-18, 2004; poster
- Lin Ching-Chiang, Huang Yeou-Lih. Evaluation of oxidative stress parameters in blood of patients with viral liver disease. 中華民國醫事檢驗學會九十二年度年會海報論文Dec.13-14, 2003 台北榮總
- C.-C. Lin, H.-J. Lin, L.-Y. Tsai, and Y.-L. Huang. Serum selenium, iron, copper, zinc levels and copper/zinc ratio in patients with chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. 第十八屆生物醫學聯合學術年會海報論文March 22-23, 2003 臺大醫學院
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- 簡明醫護檢驗手冊 (一版) 2019 November。華杏出版社。ISBN 978-986-194-549-1。
- 醫護檢驗手冊 (三版) 2016 June。華杏出版社。ISBN 978-989-194-407-4。
- 2023 112年度醫檢學會年會暨學術發表會學術論文獎(臨床應用組)
- 2022 110學年度校級研究優良教師獎
- 2021 110年度醫檢學會年會暨學術發表會學術論文獎(臨床應用組)之通訊作者
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- 2015第29屆全國團結圈活動競賽自強組銅塔獎
- 2014 Outstanding poster (2014 ESPEN The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism)
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- 2013 Award poster (Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals)
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